Venezuelan Celebrities Express Heartbreak and Concern Over Maduro’s Election Victory

The actress Catherine Fulop, who was born in Caracas but has lived in Argentina for 30 years, is devastated by the results of the elections in Venezuela, which declared Nicolás Maduro the winner.

On her social media, she published a series of videos in which, with a trembling voice, she said she felt “destroyed, emotionally and physically a little.” “Here everyone got ‘sick’ after the wedding (of her eldest daughter to the soccer player Paulo Dybala). But well, today I am very emotionally sad. One has hopes because that’s the last thing you lose, but I said they were going to hit us in the heart again, because we had a lot of hope to move forward. My people, I have never seen in the history of world politics that a dictatorship is removed with votes. Nothing, I am very sad, I am going to work out to get some endorphins (sic),” she wrote.

She fears for the Venezuelans who are protesting after the reelection: The singer Nacho Mendoza, remembered for being part of the duo “Chino y Nacho,” sent a message via Instagram amid the protests and disturbances that are taking place in Venezuela.

“It’s difficult to get to sleep in Venezuela at this time. I promised my family for everyone’s safety that I wouldn’t do this again, but I can’t watch what is happening in the country and remain silent because that wouldn’t be me. While I don’t wish harm on anyone right now, I must accept that I am overwhelmed by a feeling of frustration, which is putting my faith to the test,” he said after asking the uniformed officers not to “attack the people who have taken to the streets to express their disagreement, as it is their right to voice their discontent.”



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