On this day, May 14, 1796, the Englishman Edward Jenner presents the first vaccine against smallpox, see what else happened – 2024-07-31 23:51:34

Like today, May 14 historical and important events happened for our country, but also for him People.

So let’s go back to the page of Time’s calendar to see what happened like today…


English doctor Edward Jenner introduces the first smallpox vaccine.


The Second Olympic Games begin in Paris, with the participation of 995 male and female athletes, from 28 countries, competing in 19 sports. They will be completed on October 28.


The Bank of Greece is founded. Alexandros Diomedes takes over as the first commander.


Duke Ellington and his band record the famous ‘Caravan’.


Israel declares its independence in its territories that were under British mandate.


The government of Czechoslovakia, under the leadership of Aleksandr Dupcek, announces measures to liberalize the communist regime. It is the beginning of the “Prague Spring”.

Sources: sansimera.gr/el.wikipedia.org

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#day #Englishman #Edward #Jenner #presents #vaccine #smallpox #happened



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