93 Years Young: William Shatner Shares Secrets to a Vibrant Life and Longevity

The iconic actor William Shatner, known for his role as Captain Kirk in Star Trek, the science fiction series that launched him to stardom in the 1960s, continues to surprise everyone with his energy and vitality at the age of 93. On several occasions, he has shared his secret formula for a long and healthy life.

Born on March 22, 1931, in Montreal, Canada, Shatner has distinguished himself not only for his role in Star Trek, but also for his numerous contributions as an actor, producer, and even as an astronaut. In 2021, at the age of 90, he became the oldest person to travel to space, aboard a spacecraft from Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos’s space company.

On March 18, just four days before his 93rd birthday, he attended an interview with Today Show, where he reflected on his acting career. During the conversation, he was asked how he manages to maintain his vitality after so long. “Don’t tell anyone,” he joked about his age.

In 2018, he exclusively mentioned to NBC News that a large part of his longevity is due to his luck. “I’ve been very lucky in my life, as far as health goes, which is really the foundation of everything. Your health and your energy are partly yours, but partly accidental and genetic,” he mentioned.

However, he highlighted some basic habits that are important for maintaining a healthy life: not smoking, staying active, eating sensibly, and getting enough sleep. True to his style, he used humor again to explain his long life: “Don’t die. That’s it, that’s the secret. Just keep living and try not to slow down.”

William Shatner is known for embodying the iconic Captain Kirk in the successful Star Trek sagaPhoto: Facebook William Shatner

Staying active is a common element among long-lived people. Shatner is no exception, as he is always looking for new projects and activities to keep himself busy. “You have to find joy anywhere, whether it’s in a hot bath, in a good friend, or in a piece of cheese. Joy is everywhere,” he emphasized. For Shatner, staying busy equals happiness. “When the phone rings, say yes,” he advised. He also suggested keeping the “inner child” alive and avoiding regrets.

Currently, William Shatner participates in fan events for Star Trek and keeps his followers informed through his social media. His latest project, a documentary titled You Can Call Me Bill, explores his life and career over nine decades. The actor also dedicates time to his YouTube channel and writing books, always seeking new ways to stay active and engaged with his audience.

The 93-year-old actor attributes his longevity to his active lifePhoto: Facebook William Shatner

The case of Roy Cohen, who is 101 years old and retired at 81, also supports the fact that leading an active life benefits longevity. In this regard, Cohen pointed out that he constantly has a project underway. “It keeps my mind sharp,” he highlighted.

On March 11, Managed Healthcare Executive reported that William Shatner had skin cancer. According to the news, the Canadian actor was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma after discovering a lump near his right ear. Fortunately, the spot was removed, and Shatner was treated with immunotherapy.

In addition, he has dealt with tinnitus since his time on Star Trek, when an explosion during filming damaged his ears. This led him to collaborate with the American Tinnitus Association to find effective management tools to prevent similar incidents from happening again.




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