Moroccan King pardons thousands of prisoners on Throne Day

The Moroccan Ministry of Justice explained on Monday evening that King Mohammed VI issued a royal decree pardoning a number of prisoners, most of whom are serving their sentences in prisons, and some of whom are at large.

The text of a statement issued by the Moroccan Ministry of Justice in this regard stated: “On the occasion of the glorious Throne Day of this year 1446 AH 2024 AD, King Mohammed VI has graciously issued his royal order to pardon a group of people, including detainees and those at large, sentenced by various courts of the Kingdom, totaling 2,460 people, as follows:

1 – The beneficiaries of the royal pardon who are in detention, numbering 2278 inmates, as follows:

– Pardon of the fine and the remainder of the custodial sentence for the benefit of: 171 inmates.

– Pardon of the remaining custodial sentence for the benefit of: two inmates.

– Reducing the prison sentence for the benefit of: 2090 inmates.

– Converting life imprisonment to fixed-term imprisonment for the benefit of: 15 inmates.

2- The beneficiaries of the royal pardon who are currently at large, numbering 182 people, distributed as follows:

– Pardon from the prison sentence or the remainder thereof for the benefit of: 45 persons.

– Pardon from prison sentence while maintaining the fine for the benefit of: 09 persons.

– Exemption from the fine or the remainder thereof for the benefit of: 121 persons.

– Pardon from imprisonment and fine sentences for the benefit of: 07 persons. Total: 2460.

The statement added: “On this happy occasion, the King refused to do anything but grant his pardon to a group of those convicted in cases of extremism and terrorism, after they officially declared their adherence to the nation’s constants and sanctities and to national institutions, and after reviewing their positions and intellectual orientations, and their rejection of extremism and terrorism. They numbered 16 people, as follows:

– Pardon for the remaining custodial sentence for the benefit of: 07 inmates.

– Reduction of custodial sentences for the benefit of: 09 inmates. Total: 2476.

Moroccan media reported that “the pardon included journalists Tawfiq Bouachrine, Omar Radi, and Soulaimane Raissouni, in addition to activists Reda Taoujni, Youssef El-Hirche, Saida El-Alami, and Mohamed Kanzouz (Moul El-Qartasa), after they had served varying terms of custodial sentences pending rulings in various judicial cases.”

The Moroccan monarch delivered a speech to the nation on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Throne Day, where he devoted most of his speech to the repercussions of drought on the Kingdom, directing that “appropriate measures be taken to prevent any negative repercussions on citizens.” He also pledged that “the authorities will work to guarantee drinking water for all residents, and complete the dam program.”

The Moroccan monarch spoke about “the tragic conditions experienced by the brotherly Palestinian people,” stressing that “establishing security and stability in the region will not be complete except within the framework of the two-state solution.”

Source: RT + Moroccan media

#Moroccan #King #pardons #thousands #prisoners #Throne #Day
2024-07-31 21:47:59



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