N. Androulakis: “Blackmail for electronic prescriptions is essentially directed against the insured” – 2024-07-31 19:32:29

N. Androulakis: “Blackmail for electronic prescriptions is essentially directed against the insured”
 – 2024-07-31 19:32:29

The President of PASOK-Movement of Change, Nikos Androulakis, accepted the presidium of the Panhellenic Medical Association in the Parliament at their request.

In his introductory statement, Mr. Androulakis stated, among other things:

“Eurostat’s figures are revealing. The Greek people pay the second highest private expenditure in Europe. Therefore, instead of the government taking initiatives to revive the E.S.Y., it reaches the point of extortion. But blackmailing private doctors for electronic prescribing is like blackmailing patients.

That is why we stand against it. We believe that there should be a national dialogue with all parties. PASOK is the party that inspired, founded and strengthened the National Health System and we have priority to rebuild it.

This presupposes permanent doctors, a new health map and serious utilization of the Recovery Fund – which unfortunately has only been done at the level of infrastructure – so that we can be competitive but above all serve the citizen in an era of great inequalities”.

For his part, the President of the Panhellenic Medical Association, Ath. Exadaktylos noted that the E.S.Y. needs improvements, while referring to article 65 of the bill of the Ministry of Health which provides for the possibility of strengthening public structures by invoking the services of private doctors and the deprivation of the right to electronic prescription to those who refuse it, he emphasized that if enacted, it will poison the necessary relationship of understanding for upgrading the public health system.

#Androulakis #Blackmail #electronic #prescriptions #essentially #directed #insured



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