Mercedes Castillo (Dominican Republic Tourism): “Volunteering during the Olympics was an obvious choice for me”

2024-07-30 10:19:42

Mercedes Castillo, Director of the Dominican Republic’s Tourist Office in France, signed up immediately Volunteer for the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP). Find our interview here.

Mercedes Castillo (Dominican Republic Tourism Board):
Mercedes Castillo, Director of the Dominican Republic Tourist Office in France. ©David Savary

The director of the Dominican Republic’s tourist office in France will attend triathlons and marathons, as well as the Paralympic Games at the end of August. Becoming a volunteer is a guarantee of great human and collective adventure.

As part of the JOP, the Dominican Republic also has the “Casa Dominicana” at 10, Avenue de la Grande Armée (Paris 17)th). Launched on July 25, the website is primarily aimed at athletes, but also hopes to show the public the best of the Dominican Republic.

A total of 57 Dominican male and female athletes participated in these 33 editions, with the encouragement of the entire national and local institutional leadership (National Olympic Committee, Creso, People’s Bank, etc.).th Olympic Games. A figurehead and a great opportunity for a medal is Marileidy Paulino, a 400m (track and field) athlete and the reigning world champion.

Mercedes Castillo (Dominican Republic Tourism Board):
In the middle is track and field champion Mariileidy Paulino, and on the right is Rosa Hernández de Grullón, Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to France. ©David Savary

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