The French expect more commitment from companies

2024-07-24 09:30:50

GreenFlex and ADEME unveil the new Responsible Consumption Barometer and take stock of the last two decades. 70% of consumers now say they recognize the direct link between their consumption choices and the future of the planet.

The French expect companies to fundamentally change their economic model. According to the 2024 Barometer of Responsible Consumptiondeveloped by GreenFlex and ADEME, only 36% of them say they trust large companies today, compared to 58% 20 years ago. 79% of consumers believe that they should not seek economic growth at all costs. And 65% believe that this will involve producing less and not simply differently.

Strong expectations from businesses

According to the online survey conducted by the CSA from February 28 to March 5, 2024, with a sample of 1,006 people representative of the French national population aged 18 and over, citizens no longer hesitate to denounce bad business practices. 28% of respondents say they systematically or regularly sign online petitions that denounce companies or brands that are disrespectful of the environment, human rights or even consumer health, compared to only 10% in 2017. And the majority remain convinced (85%) that companies and brands encourage overconsumption.

« We note, year after year in this barometer, that consumers are calling on brands to transform themselves: transform their business models so as not to be solely in the pursuit of profit, transform their offer to integrate sustainability criteria across their entire value chain, transform their communication so as not to constantly promote overconsumption. “, declares Laure Blondel, Director of Consulting for Brands, Products and Responsible Consumption at Greenflex, in introducing the study.

The French are, however, aware that things will not change on the basis of simple volunteering. 82% of consumers therefore believe that the government should force companies to produce in a way that respects the environment and workers. And this could involve the State banning advertising for the most polluting and harmful products for health. 75% of French people are in favour of this. “Today, citizens say they make the link between their purchases and the preservation of the environment, congratulates himself Valérie Martin, head of the citizen mobilization and media department at ADEME, via press release. However, they say it clearly, they need to be supported and it is the role not only of public authorities, but also of businesses to provide educational support for the development of citizens towards a more responsible consumption. »

The feeling that things are changing too slowly

In 2014, 61% of consumers thought that respect for nature would improve in the next ten years. But now that this period has passed, only 42% believe that it has actually improved. In addition, 77% of French people agree that “ If we do nothing for the planet, humanity will disappear “And they are just as likely to judge that solidarity has deteriorated over the last ten years.

But not everything is to be thrown away. 80% of French people see a strengthening of second-hand, rental or used offers. According to them, this is not a fad, but a practice that will continue and they expect this circular economy to continue over time. “It is also an entire economic model of organizations that needs to be rethought, in order to go beyond a linear model based on volume sales and product ownership, to bring about a circular model based on usage and service.”warns Valérie Martin.

#French #expect #commitment #companies



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