Nayib Bukele speaks about the elections in Venezuela – 2024-07-30 22:19:13


“What we saw has no other name than fraud”: Nayib Bukele speaks about the elections in Venezuela

El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele said on Monday, July 29, that there was “fraud” in Venezuela’s presidential elections on Sunday, July 28, and added that he will not reestablish relations until that country has “real elections.”


El Salvador’s president, Nayib Bukele, says there was electoral “fraud” in Venezuela. (Photo Prensa Libre: EFE)

What we saw yesterday in Venezuela has no other name than fraud. “An ‘election’ where the official result has no relation to reality. Something obvious to anyone,” Bukele said on his X account.

He recalled that “diplomatic relations with (Nicolás) Maduro had been broken for 4 years,” when his government ordered the withdrawal of the diplomatic mission from the South American country in November 2020.

“We will not reopen them until their people can choose their leaders in real elections,” concluded Bukele, who in June assumed a second consecutive term in El Salvador, despite the Constitution prohibiting it.

Nicolás Maduro was formally proclaimed president by the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela despite complaints from the largest anti-Chavez coalition, the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), which believes that its leader, Edmundo González Urrutia, won the election by a wide margin.

The electoral body announced on Sunday night that Maduro, in power since 2013, won the election with 51.2% of the votes – the same result he received when 80% of the ballots had been counted and more than two million votes remained to be counted.

Read more: How the electoral process works in Venezuela and why the results of the elections have been questioned

Meanwhile, González Urrutia obtained 44.2% of the votes, according to the first and only public report of the CNE, which did not specify which candidates received the 2,394,268 votes that were not reported.

González Urrutia denounced that “all the rules have been violated” due, among other things, to the refusal of the electoral body to deliver to the PUD the minutes of the total votes in more than 50% of the centers.

Read also: Elections in Venezuela: Countries ask for transparency of results that give reelection to Nicolás Maduro

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