How trees help us improve our quality of life – 2024-07-30 17:53:03

Santiago is 6 years old and since he was little he learned a lot from his grandmother about caring for and loving plants and trees. He recently told me that he had planted an avocado seed, to have a tree like his “mommy”’s, and that he was excited because he wanted to see it grow.

Plants, trees, and nature can create a connection in humans that provides peace and security, not to mention that they improve the quality of life, and they also make us aware that everything in life is cycles and processes and many times we just need patience and time to grow and flourish.

“When we are close to nature and trees, We feel in a safe placewhere nothing and no one can hurt us and there is no good or bad, we are just free,” says psychologist and therapist Regina Villagrán, who adds that “seeing such a big and strong tree can make us feel cared for and protected, We can embrace him and fill ourselves with his energy”.

The connection

We are used to life moving very fast, and when we encounter natural processes that require dedication, time and patience, such as planting and caring for a tree, it can slow us down and connect us with reality, “Stress and anxiety are greatly reduced by contact with nature, and this allows us to enjoy it and gives us a feeling of well-being”says psychologist Nissely Herrera.

By living this experience all the senses connect and become more sensitive to this natural stimulus, practicing contemplation and connecting with the present.

Smell, for example, is involved in perceiving aromas coming from plants, touch in perceiving textures, and sight in appreciating colors and shapes. “Green and yellow can make us feel more comfortable and calm, while white from flowers can stimulate other types of emotions such as calm,” Villagrán shares.

However, it is not necessary to go to a forest to enjoy this connection since there are trees and plants that we can care for at home.

According to psychologist Regina Villagrán, plant therapies help people feel protected and connect with the present. (Photo Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

The benefits of having a garden

Not all of us have the benefit of living close to a natural environment, with trees and plants around us, however, what we can do is adapt our spaces by including plants in them.

In addition to improving the quality of the air and soil in our environment, this can become a therapeutic and learning process.

Before thinking about buying a plant, biologist Sofia Cabañas recommends asking ourselves: How willing are we to care for a tree or plant? This is because there are some that require more care than others. Cabañas recommends visiting a specialized nursery since they know what each species requires and can explain the care of the plant we choose.

Let us remember that like any living being, plants also require care and attention. It is important to prune them so they grow, and to be aware of the soil and the space to which they adapt.

What land are we feeding on?

In my conversation with Santiago, at one point he told me that he felt a little sad and desperate because his tree was not growing fast even though he took care of it and watered it.

Villagran says it is important to validate and express what we are feeling. However, it is important to use all these feelings and frustrations to understand and connect with a process that can have significant value in our lives.

For Herrera, when caring for a plant we must connect with the process and develop patience, and this evolution can be surprising as it also helps us to achieve self-knowledge. “When we are aware of the growth of a plant we can realize that We are not always going to look pretty and radiant, but, even so, in all our cycles we deserve to be taken care of.”, he comments.

Villagrán mentions that in some therapies she uses plants as a support to create analogies and metaphors with her patients, since the process of caring for a tree from scratch can help people regain confidence in themselves, developing a sense of responsibility, calm and well-being since people feel “good” knowing that they are generating life.

“It is necessary to prune a plant so that it continues to grow,” says the therapist. We can relate this to our life processes since pruning “can help us disconnect from negative thoughts that are not good for us,” she indicates.

Furthermore, trees, plants and nature connect us with the present. They make us aware of the cycles of life and help us to overcome the anxiety of death, as mentioned by Villagrán, since they allow us to understand that there are cycles that we must close and that every process must end.

Caring for a plant teaches patience and self-knowledge, transforming emotions and connecting us with the natural cycles of life. (Photo Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

The advantage of natural connection

Experts agree that trees, plants and nature improve the quality of life. Proof of this is that there are currently therapies such as ecotherapy that are related to finding a connection with these living beings and improving emotional well-being.

This approach to nature should occur when you feel the need for revitalization. However, Villagrán recommends doing it in a place where you do not run physical risks.

On the other hand, Herrera mentions that, if you have the possibility, you should put your bare feet on the grass to connect with the earth, or hug a tree, these actions help your mental and physical health.

Walking barefoot on the grass and connecting with the earth can be a revitalizing exercise. (Photo Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

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