The issue of the “worrying” phenomenon of school dropout reaches the parliament.


The issue of the continuing “worrying” phenomenon of school dropout has reached the parliament, following a written question directed by MP Nadia Tahami, a member of the Progress and Socialism Group in the House of Representatives, to the Minister of National Education, Preschool and Sports, regarding the importance of social support to combat the phenomenon of school dropout.

The MP for the Progress and Socialism Party explained that the ministry announced a few days ago “shocking data related to the continued phenomenon of school dropout in the national education sector, especially in rural areas, which is very worrying, given the social and economic dimensions of this phenomenon that inevitably leads to the expansion of the circle of poverty and fragility among our youth.”

The parliamentarian added that “school dropout is considered one of the challenges that threaten the education system, and we salute the efforts that led to reducing those concerned with this phenomenon, from 344 thousand for the previous school year, to about 294 thousand for the ending school year (2023-2024), despite that, this number remains frightening, and requires, from our point of view, understanding the reasons for its continued rise, and drawing up an accurate plan, to return more dropouts to their school seats.”

The spokeswoman added that “it would also be useful, in the context of mobilizing efforts to combat the phenomenon of school dropout, to enhance the possibilities of school accommodation in areas that suffer from a deficit at this level, and if necessary, to approve incentives for the benefit of family groups in which this phenomenon is prevalent among their daughters and sons, and to work on generalizing early education and addressing academic difficulties, by enhancing school support for the benefit of female and male students who suffer from learning difficulties.”

On this occasion, the parliamentarian called on the Minister of National Education and Preschool Education to reveal “the measures that the government will take to address the phenomenon of school dropout and enhance the chances of dropouts returning to their school seats.”

#issue #worrying #phenomenon #school #dropout #reaches #parliament
2024-07-30 15:58:34



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