Electricity per unit for Karachi is likely to be expensive by 5 rupees 45 paise, decision reserved – Business & Economy

Preparations have been made to increase the expensive electricity prices for the people of Karachi, the price of electricity for Shahr Quaid is likely to increase by Rs 5 45 paise per unit, Nepra has completed the hearing in this regard and secured the fee.

K Electric has submitted a request for fuel price adjustment, the increase was sought for the monthly FCA of May and June.

According to the request, an increase of 2 rupees 53 paise has been requested for May, while an increase of 2 rupees 92 paise has been requested for FCA in the month of June.

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The Nepra Authority headed by Chairman Waseem Mukhtar held a hearing on K Electric’s application today.

During the hearing, the representative of Jamaat-e-Islami said that Nepra has formed a party together with Electric, what happened to the 54 billion rupees that were supposed to be returned to the consumers?

Chairman NEPRA said that in NEPRA the authority of the chairman is shared with all the members, all our decisions were uploaded on the website, NEPRA chairman and members take all decisions together.

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The representative of Korangi Association of Trade Industry said that Karachi was very hot in May and June, there was long load shedding in Karachi city in May and June. People will be forced to take to the streets.

Chairman NEPRA said that the government has proposed an increase in the base tariff of Rs 8 28 paise, the NEPRA authority has suggested a lower increase in the base tariff, we have proposed an increase in the base tariff of Rs 5 84 paise, then when the Kaibor rate fell, it 5 rupees 72 paise.

Chairman NEPRA said that IMF program is going on, it also has to be seen, NEPRA authority has reduced the burden of 260 billion rupees on consumers in the form of tariff.

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Nepra member Rafiq Ahmad Shaikh said that what happened, there was a dispute between two brothers over the electricity bill, there is also a dispute between brothers over property, if there is a dispute between brothers over property, will Nepra be responsible.

Nepra has completed the hearing on K Electric’s request for an increase of Rs 5 to Rs 45 for two months, Nepra will review the data and issue a decision.

#Electricity #unit #Karachi #expensive #rupees #paise #decision #reserved #Business #Economy
2024-07-30 15:50:01



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