The Institute of Natural Health Protection thanks him 300 times!

2024-07-25 11:51:19

Author: Isabel Rusuli/July 25, 2024/ 21 views

Dear friend, dear friend,

Your liver is one of your most precious organs and one of the most extraordinary.

It is a very dense organ.

It weighs approximately 1.5 kg and is on average 16 cm high, 28 cm wide and 8 cm thick (1). What size!

It is separated from the heart and lungs by the diaphragm and is located on the right side of the stomach above the intestines.

It contains 10% of blood flow(1).

75% of blood flow arrives via the portal vein. This blood contains nutrients that are absorbed by the intestines (2).

A super productive organ!

The liver has three main functions. It filters the blood. It stores and transforms substances absorbed by the intestines. It produces most proteins, including albumin, an essential blood protein (3).

It also synthesizes bile specifically from cholesterol (3).

In total, the liver performs more than 300 important functions for your body(4).

Taking care of him is three hundred times better to yourself!

Furthermore, it is an organ that can be completely regenerated if the damage is not too severe (5).

By adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can give it new life in just a few months (6).

It’s worth it!

Fatty liver disease in humans: an increasingly common disease

According to the World Health Organization, “fatty liver” disease affects 25% to 30% of the world’s population (7,8).

The expression does not refer to supermarket shelves during the Christmas period, although it is the same phenomenon (9).

Foie gras from ducks and geese comes from farmed animals that are force-fed a corn mixture (9).

In humans, fatty liver disease is an intermediate stage before the development of more serious diseases such as cirrhosis. The latter is considered certain.

Fatty liver disease may be caused by alcohol. This is the most widely known reason. And for a long time, it was the only one.

But what we call fatty liver today is also called NASH or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Omega 6 nourishes animals and humans in the 21st century

In addition to alcohol and tobacco, there are many products available today that can damage the liver.

You have to start in the food industry.

In fact, corn, sunflowers, and soybeans are rich in omega-6 and are fundamental elements in today’s diets (10).

They are used to feed livestock, so produce is often rich in them.

Therefore, milk, dairy products, meat and eggs are often too high in omega-6(10).

They are also found in many processed products such as sauces, crackers, etc.

Sugar is an excellent preservative

In addition, sugar has also invaded modern people’s dining tables, but we may not necessarily see it.

It is widely found in sodas, cookies, and ice cream (11,12).

It is also found in breakfast cereals, children’s snacks, and in some preserves, sauces, and most prepared foods.

Sugar is everywhere because it’s an excellent preservative, is cheap, and can add flavor to otherwise bland products (11,12).

Other recognized enemies of the liver include liver viruses, chronic stress, excess iron, toxins, heavy metals, pesticides, plastics, and hydrocarbons (13).

Likewise, certain medications, such as ibuprofen, can weaken it (14).

Most of these harmful substances exist in the daily life of homo sapiens in the 21st century.

They are found in the food we eat, the air we breathe, the drinks we drink and even the tap water.

The easiest way to avoid these substances is to cook your own fresh, organic produce and filter your water.

I know it comes at a cost and it takes time.

But it’s a worthwhile investment.

You are investing in your liver and the liver of your family.

Tell yourself it’s worth over 300 times!

6 Signs of a Weak Liver

There are many possible symptoms that show liver dysfunction.

Here are a few, but this is not an exhaustive list.

1/ Yellow Flag: If your liver starts producing less bile, your body will no longer be able to process cholesterol (15).

Cholesterol deposits may accumulate in your eyes or under your eyelids.

2/ Swelling of the right ankle: The work of the liver is related to blood circulation. If your liver is no longer functioning properly, it may affect your right ankle. It can also be the right foot (16).

In this condition, poor blood circulation in the right leg and foot can lead to water retention.

If your right ankle is swollen for no apparent reason but your left ankle is normal, it may be due to a weak liver.

3/ Blurred vision at night: Bile produced by the liver helps absorb the vitamin A the body needs.

The latter is essential for eyes and vision.

It allows you to adapt to changes in light, especially the transition from day to night.

If your vision becomes blurry in the evening or at night, it may be that you are deficient in vitamin A.

If your vision becomes blurry as night falls, even though your vision is perfect or your eye corrections are correct, your liver may be at work.

4/ Color of feces: They should be brown, soft, not smelly and sink to the bottom of the toilet (16).

If they become pale with yellow spots, it’s because your digestive system is struggling to process fat.

Who is responsible for fat processing? Of course it’s the liver!

5/ Urine that is too dark in color: If it is dark yellow all day long, it may mean that the liver can no longer do its purification work or that bile is not being produced enough (16).

6/ Red and Purple Spots on the Body: The liver produces most blood proteins, including albumin (16).

It plays an important role in regulating blood volume.

If not enough is present, blood circulation may be disrupted, leading to:

Red or purple spots appear on the arms and legs; bruises or bruises appear on the body and its ability to withstand impact is reduced.

These symptoms are not exhaustive.

There are others, like pain here or there, whitening of nails, fatigue, etc. (16).

But we don’t always associate them with the liver.

If you have any questions, please consult your doctor.

It’s worth it. Because if it’s the liver, the situation is generally reversible. But this requires a lifestyle change!

Of course it’s yours,

Augustine of Liva

#Institute #Natural #Health #Protection #times



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