From August, the Reduced Pollution Zone will start operating in the Old Town of Kaunas: what will change? | Business

It is not the entrance that will cost extra, but transit. Those arriving for personal reasons will not be charged the new fee – the first hour of parking will be included in the STZ fee.

The novelty is next week

“We record an average of one and a half thousand vehicles per day in the reduced pollution zone. A large part of them pass through the old town by transit. During peak hours, cars paralyze narrow streets – they create traffic jams, cause noise, increase air pollution,” says Martynas Matusevičius, head of the Transport and Traffic Management Department of Kaunas Municipality.

The installation of STZ in the old town is planned as early as 2019 in the Sustainable Mobility Plan. During the first half of this year, the system was successfully tested. A fee of 2 euros will be charged for each pass through the Reduced Pollution area.

St. Gertrudos, Gimnazijos–Birštonos st. and Karalias Mindaugas Ave. at the entrances, drivers will be greeted by 10 vehicle identification points. They are installed on A. Jakštas, M. Valančiaus, Kumelii, M. Daukša, J. Jablonskis, Kurpii, Palanga, L. Zamenhofas streets, as well as at the entrances of Karalias Mindaugas Avenue at Aleksots Street.

“Simply speaking, the STZ tax is applied only for transit – from entry to exit. If you stay in the territory of the Old Town for more than an hour, you will only have to pay for the remaining parking time,” adds M. Matusevičius.

The entrance to the STZ will be warned by light boards with the inscription “Paid zone 2 Eur” and other informational signs.

Payment methods

From August 1 when crossing STZ in transit, it will be possible to pay for the service using mobile apps, SMS messages or on the website.

Within 7 calendar days, the possibility to check the debt and pay immediately for all passes is provided in the “carOne” app and on the website of the budget institution “Parkavimas Kaune”.

After choosing online payment, it is necessary to create an account and assign vehicle license plates. In this case, the system will automatically create an invoice.

Benefits will apply

In the reduced pollution zone, benefits are provided for individuals and legal entities with real estate objects, owners of pure electric cars, special services, and the disabled. Persons who have formed plots in the territory will receive as many permits as there are parking spaces formed in them.

#August #Reduced #Pollution #Zone #start #operating #Town #Kaunas #change #Business
2024-07-30 12:30:06



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