Here’s how you can get $2,000 to pay for electricity in California (+Details)

California residents can get up to $2,000 in Energy Assistance to pay their electric bills.

It’s all thanks to PG&E’s expanded REACH and REACH Triple Match programs to help more families with their monthly electric bills.

The maximum amount of assistance has been increased to $2,000 to provide greater financial relief to California residents.

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Help paying for California electricity

Additionally, the income limit for eligibility was raised, so now more families will be able to qualify for the program based on household income.

The change will benefit families with moderate incomes who were previously excluded from such assistance because they exceeded the minimum amount.

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Anyone who has ever received assistance from these programs is eligible to apply again.

These changes aim to offer comprehensive support to a broader range of families facing financial difficulties with their energy bills.

How to apply for assistance

Applicants must provide verification of their income to ensure that assistance is directed to those who truly need it.

Individuals on payment plans are eligible to apply for these programs, with the exception of those enrolled in the Arrears Management Plan (AMP).

In 2024, eligible beneficiaries will be able to obtain additional benefits if they apply for assistance from the program.

Beneficiarios EACH o REACH Triple Match

Customers who received REACH or REACH Triple Match credits earlier in the year may be eligible for a second credit under the new measures.

REACH beneficiaries are not required to submit a new application or take any other action to receive this benefit.

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It is important to note that PG&E accounts eligible for this assistance must be residential and serve individual homes or apartments.

So far, the program does not cover “kitchen only” bills, commercial or industrial bills or apartments with shared utilities. With information from Marca USA.

With information from Marca USA

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#Heres #pay #electricity #California #Details
2024-07-30 10:47:29



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