Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Deputy Minister of Human Capital of the Ministry of Economy, Andrea Picaso, reported that within the framework of the reforms that the Government has been promoting, the percentage of tax revenues allocated to the payment of salaries was reduced from 65% to 52%.
This reform framework consisted of the merger of institutions to create the Directorate of Tax Revenue (DNIT) and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), which includes its organizational chart for the management of human capital in the public service and technical planning.
According to DNIT reports, at the end of the year, the percentage of tax revenues allocated to pay salaries was 65% and in the first half of the year it was 52%.
“Within a framework of reforms, tangible results are seen in being able to better reach people, because having public servants, professionals without a doubt, and evidence of how, not only improves per capita income, tax collection levels, the image of the government, but at the same time also reduces corruption levels,” he said during his conversation with government spokesperson Paula Carro.
“People are better reached by better public servants; that is what makes the functions of the Vice Ministry of Human Capital and Organizational Management, within what is today the Ministry of Economy and Finance, work,” he said about the vice ministry under his charge.
The government of President Santiago Peña began its functions by promoting two structural reforms, which led to the creation of the DNIT and the MEF. Added to this was the creation of the Superintendency of Pensions and Retirements, and the projects to reform the civil service, which will be presented in the coming weeks, said Picaso.
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2024-07-30 08:42:03