Government: Priority in accuracy, everyday 2024-07-30 07:33:04

The daily battle includes individual – but critical – issues, such as the staffing of the island’s hospitals and with private individuals, in order to deal with the emergency needs of the summer (out of the 14 hospitals that had a problem, only Kos remains). Or the installation of air conditioning in city buses in the midst of a prolonged heatwave or the facilitation of tax returns. “Small issues” which, however, touch and concern many citizens.


At the same time, the government is convinced that the new policy of T. Theodorikakos will lead to a gradual de-escalation of prices. The meetings of the Development Department with the representatives of supermarkets, multinationals, large suppliers, combined with the more active participation of the Competition Commission and the strengthening of DIMEA, are bearing fruit.

There is also satisfaction for B. Kikilia, who, by common confession, has presented a much more complete and effective firefighting system, in the midst of unprecedented heat and the number of fires that break out every day.

On Tuesday, the Council of Ministers meets with the main agenda of bills for Education, Justice and water supply, all of which tend to improve everyday life.

Government: “Carambolas” for secretaries

The reshuffle of the general secretaries of the ministries is pending, which will take place tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at the latest. It was supposed to be done, but as it turns out, it turned out to be a crossword puzzle for strong solvers. There are many “jams”, the agreement of the ministers with M. Maximos was not easy in all cases and the lack of new people to replace old ones. important.

As an important executive of M. Maximos used to say, “it is easy to find who to take out, but it is difficult to find who to put in”. In any case, the changes will be significant both in terms of the criticality of the ministries and in terms of the scope of the changes. With the aim of young c.c. that they have managed to acclimatize to their new posts and that the government machine is fully ready for war in September.

Besides, K. Mitsotakis’ speech at this year’s TIF, according to information, will not be an ordinary speech about the goals-benefits of the next year. The prime minister is determined, along with next year’s goals, to outline the timeline for the next three years to the national elections in 2027. Which, according to the same information, will be the new “national bet-national deal”, through of which K. Mitsotakis will claim to leave his personal mark in History.

The bazaar for portfolio commissioner

As Ursula von der Leyen’s negotiations on the formation of the new College of Commissioners progress, new complications appear. Greece continues to claim a portfolio larger than its “size” and claims it with increased probability, given that the re-elected president of the European Commission recognizes K. Mitsotakis for the leading role he played together with D. Tusk for the bloc’s dominance of the EPP together with the Socialists, the Liberals and the Greens. The new Housing-Social Cohesion portfolio is always on the table, but in which the Enlargement portfolio seems to be re-entering. A portfolio with great political weight and intense Greek interest, since it also includes the Western Balkans.


Government: Critical period for the Cyprus issue

There are several readings about what exactly is happening with the Cyprus issue, especially under the “weight” of incendiary statements from the side of Ankara, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the “black” anniversary of “Attila”. The first level reading refers to a “freeze” of any talks, given that the Greek side has no chance of accepting the partition of Cyprus and the recognition of the pseudo-state. Also, T. Erdogan insists on maximalist and unacceptable claims.

The images of the two countries appear solid, suggesting immobility. And yet diplomatic circles point out that the Cyprus issue, which was “dead” and inactive as an international issue for a long time, is now one of the first issues of the UN. Who has already taken initiatives, which are expected to intensify in the near future, especially in view of the meetings of K. Mitsotakis with the Turkish president in September and November.

The realistic expectation, according to diplomatic circles, is not at this stage to find a solution. Such a possibility with the existing data is “unrealistic” and “distant”. The effort being made is for the Turkish Cypriot side to sit at the dialogue table. Which, following Ankara’s instructions, even refuses the talks. However, international pressure is exerted for the pseudo-state to change its stance. One of the reasons why it is important for the Turkish Cypriots to sit at the table is that in this way – due to the presence of the UN – International Law and the Organization’s resolutions will come back into focus. And certainly Turkey’s revisionism, which was on the rise due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the war in the Middle East, will “retreat”.

It is obvious that it is not at all easy to make substantial progress for a solution to the Cyprus problem, given that any solution found (?) in the future will have to be approved by referendums by both communities.

The interesting thing is that while all this is happening, everyone recognizes that if the climate of 2020 prevailed today, on the occasion of what happened in Kasos, it would be quite possible that there would be an ignition.

#Government #Priority #accuracy #everyday



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