Salling Group buys married couple completely out of meal box company

This is what Børsen writes, just as it also appears from a notification to the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority.

Thus, the married couple Betina Kühn and Peter Bagge-Nielsen are completely out of the ownership group behind the company, which they founded in 2001.

Skagenfood sells meal boxes, fish packages, special goods, wine and the like.

In 2017, the Salling Group bought 80 percent of Skagenfood, and two years later the group bought a further 10 percent.

The purchase price of the last piece of the company is not disclosed.

Betina Kühn and Peter Bagge-Nielsen got over DKK 40 million when they sold the majority in 2017. The married couple got another DKK 8 million from the sale of ten percent in 2019.

This is shown by figures from the couple’s holding company, Kuba Holding, Børsen writes.

Peter Bagge-Nielsen writes in an SMS to Børsen that the married couple will continue to form the management of Skagenfood.

It is Betina Kühn who has been appointed as managing director of the company, while Peter Bagge-Nielsen is a member of the board.

Salling Group is behind the retail chains Netto, Bilka and Føtex. In addition, the group also owns Salling Stormagasiner and the toy chain BR, just as it operates the coffee chain Starbucks and the fast food chain Carl’s Jr. as a franchisee in Denmark.

In 2023, Skagenfood had a profit of almost DKK 4.5 million. The year before, the result was minus DKK 120,000, which was the first deficit since the company’s infancy.

Other meal box companies also had a tough 2022. Here, Aarstiderne, for example, had a deficit of almost DKK 35 million.

Aarstider’s CEO at the time, Annette Hartvig Larsen, has previously compared the year to the years during the financial crisis to Børsen.

She explained to the newspaper at the time that the negative development in 2021 and 2022 was, among other things, due to scaling up in connection with shutdown and then downscaling in connection with reopening after corona.


2024-07-29 18:34:51
#Salling #Group #buys #married #couple #completely #meal #box #company



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