Iqbal Masih who surprised the world with his struggle, ambition and thinking – Life & Style

A documentary film based on the life of Iqbal Masih, who raised his voice against forced labour, was released. Iqbal surprised the world with his struggle, ambition and thinking.

It was 16th April 1995 and on the night of Easter, Iqbal was returning from the market on his bicycle when he was attacked, but even after 29 years, the matter remains unsolved.

The documentary made by Rawa Films on the life of Iqbal Masih was presented in the local cinema of Karachi. The guests who came on the occasion of the film screening appreciated the hard work of the filmmaker for choosing a sensitive topic.

The director of the film, Atif Ali, says that through this documentary, we have raised the question whether it is Iqbal’s family or those whom he has accused and presented the positions of both sides.

He said that no one knows how Iqbal was killed, but for the first time, we interviewed his family members, took their stand and also contacted them, whom Iqbal’s family accuses of murder.

The director added that we have raised questions, we don’t have answers, the purpose of raising questions is to find his killers.

This film reflects the bravery of the young soldier Iqbal Masih and his inspiring struggle.

Who was Iqbal Masih?

According to the facts, Iqbal Masih was born in the year 1983 in Mureed, a suburb of Gujranwala district. Iqbal’s father took a loan of a few hundred rupees from a local businessman named Arshad for his elder brother’s marriage, but he could not afford to repay the loan, so at the age of four, Iqbal was forced to work as a laborer due to the debt he incurred for his father. was forced to

For six years, Iqbal worked for fourteen hours a day, but the debt remained as it was. When he was ten years old, he ran away to escape this punishment, but the local police officers caught him and handed him over to the same businessman again. This time the workload was increased but after a year Iqbal managed to escape again.

This time, fortunately, he went to an organization active against ‘child labour’, who saved him from the yoke of slavery in the light of Pakistani law.

She was sheltered by the BLLF organization and spoke with them at several forums against forced child labour. He has attended conferences as far as USA and Sweden and has received international awards.

#Iqbal #Masih #surprised #world #struggle #ambition #thinking #Life #Style
2024-07-30 04:46:11



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