PASOK-elections: Who is leaving after Apostolaki? 2024-07-30 03:22:41

It was known from the beginning that not all candidates have the ability to collect the required unique signatures, either from the K.E. (45) or from the members and friends of the party (5,000).

But it’s not just the signatures. For example, Milena Apostolaki’s staff leaked that 5,000 signatures were collected from members and friends, but the signature collection process showed that her candidacy did not have the momentum to go to the second round. And so he decided to retire.

The Free Press has written early – conveying the opinion of experienced party officials – that the first round on October 6th will – barring a shocking contingency – have three or four nominations.

And it may still be early days, but ferments between those who are considered favorites and those who do not show that they will see it through to a mutually beneficial deal are already underway.

“Next week I will present all my positions and my own agenda, I believe that I can lead PASOK, I will go all the way, I want to be in the 2nd round” said Nadia Giannakopoulou after the announcement of her decision. She was prevented from withdrawing, perhaps because some people thought that she was also a candidate to withdraw from the race and she wanted to answer them.

PASOK: Who will Apostolaki support?

In this light, since Ms. Apostolaki withdrew from the race, many are looking to find out who she will support, given that as an MP for the Northern Sector, she can promise enough and perhaps significant votes to anyone who agrees with her. However, she claims that she has neither agreed nor is going to agree with any candidate to support him. “He is talking about the first round and not the second. In the second, everyone will support one of the two” comments an experienced party source.

The opinion that Milena Apostolaki is an “executive with depth and experience and will decide what to do in the future” was expressed by Anna Diamantopoulou, because she was asked, arguing however that “it is nonsense about agreements for the second round”.

Pavlos Geroulanos, who last week fired the first salvo at Haris Doukas, recommending him to work more for the Municipality of Athens, will go all the way. In addition to Nikos Papandreou, however, Pavlos Geroulano is also supported by another PASOK MEP, the meteorologist Sakis Arnautoglou, while his staff is optimistic that the expansion of supporters of his candidacy will continue throughout Greece.

“We are fighting. However, the extra effort that is being made cannot continue without the necessary human resources. The government must also respect the municipalities. Don’t try to ostracize them because we will be forced to proceed with other actions”, replied to Pavlos Geroulanos but also to the complaints of the citizens of Athens about the volume of uncollected garbage in the heat, Haris Doukas, who lost many points for bringing as an excuse for the garbage that plagues the neighborhoods of Athens to the many tourists…

PASOK: The register is divided – Voles against Androulakis

A few days before the August holidays and the break in the intra-party confrontation, Nikos Androulakis did not step on the melon rind thrown at him by Stefanos Kasselakis and finally supported the Attica-Pagreetia merger in the Parliament.

But he has to manage the issue of the register, that is, who will have the right to vote for the next leader of PASOK. The Ethics Committee (EDEKAP) has not yet sent the register to the candidates and the result is that the profile of Nikos Androulakis, who from his position is the guarantor of the election process, is affected. “We cannot go to elections and some people have the register and some others don’t, this is not a serious party function. Mr. Androulakis said he would guarantee the election process, is that the guarantee?” Mrs. Giannakopoulou said correctly during the week.

The issue is not simple and maintaining it dynamits the atmosphere and undermines the process. The register has not been given to the candidates, while until today, as EDEKAP member Pantelis Kamas has complained, neither the total number of party members nor who will finally have the right to vote is known, since no decision has been taken by EDEKAP that each signature will also count as a membership application. It is noted that so far no answer has been given to Anna Diamantopoulou for her request to have judicial representatives to oversee the electoral process.

Government: Priority in accuracy, everyday

SYRIZA: Hand-in-hand Kasselakis-Polakis – The whole background of the half deletion and the return

#PASOKelections #leaving #Apostolaki



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