Rhoma Irama Asks About Baalawy’s Historical Claims, Anhar Gonggong Answers – 2024-07-30 02:48:58

Rhoma Irama and Anhar Gonggong.(YouTube Doc)

IN Rhoma’s Whispering Channel on Youtube, Friday (26/7), Rhoma Irama confirmed a number of claims from Ba’alawi about the history of Indonesian heroes and independence. The source is certainly competent in history, namely Prof. Anhar Gonggong.

Here are some claims by a handful of Ba’alawy figures regarding Indonesian heroes and independence as conveyed by Rhoma Irama. Anhar Gonggong denied all of these claims. Here are some of Rhoma Irama’s Q&A with Anhar Gonggong.

1. Is it true that the red and white flag originated from Ba’alawy’s idea?

Before answering Rhoma’s question, Anhar explained his background, having worked for around 10 years in the Department of Social Affairs in a research team for national hero candidates. “The red and white flag was born by him (Ba’alawi), it must be a lie.”

This is because Muhammad Yamin has written a book entitled 6,000 Years of the Red and White. It is about 600 pages thick with historically credible facts.

“When talking about history, the justification of history lies in the sources used. So if the source is a lie, it is a lie. All historical facts written have clear sources and are interpreted honestly. So for a historian, this is intelligent and also fluid. Intelligent and honest,” he explained.

Anhar asserted that the idea of ​​the red and white flag came from Muhammad Yamin. Yamin was known as a historian and wrote many books.

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2. Is it true that Prince Diponegoro claims to be a descendant of two Habib clans?

In addition to Prince Diponegoro, Imam Bonjol is also recognized as a descendant of the habib. Likewise, Tjoet Nyak Dhien and Teuku Umar and other heroes are claimed to be descendants of the habib.

Anhar responded to the claim. “There’s none of that. No need to continue. Diponegoro, this, this, this, that must be based on what I know, based on the results of my research, it must be a lie. It must be a lie,” he said.

He admitted that this was his opinion as a historian who not only reads but also knows various sources and research.

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“So if Imam Bonjol is said to be Ba’alawi, I just laugh. If Diponegoro is said to be like that, I just laugh,” he said. He believes all national heroes are of indigenous descent.

3. Is it true that Bung Karno and Bung Hatta gave permission to Habib Ali Kwitang to proclaim independence?

“It’s a lie. It must be a lie. Soekarno had been thinking about it for decades. He fought for decades and in such a complicated situation,” he said.

On August 14, 1945, Japan surrendered. On August 15, the news reached Indonesia that Japan had lost. Well, youth groups like Syahrir urged Bung Karno and Bung Hatta to immediately read the proclamation of independence via radio.

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Bung Karno and Bung Hatta did not want to. Therefore, the two figures were kidnapped to Rengasdengklok. From Rengasdengklok, both were taken to Laks Maeda’s House on Jalan Imam Bonjol Number 1. So they never went to Kwitang.

The one who wrote and read the text of the Proclamation was Soekarno. However, the sentences were from Bung Hatta. (Z-2)

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