National Navy searches for water in Antarctica

Photo: National Navy

The growing global concern about the scarcity of water resources has led the Colombian Navy to carry out significant research in Antarctica.

The water situation in the world is alarming. According to the UN, by 2050, water will be a much scarcer resource than it is today. In Colombia, UNICEF reports that more than 75% of households in 95 municipalities do not consume treated water, which worsens the water situation in the country.
The Colombian Navy has been conducting expeditions to Antarctica for almost 15 years, with the ARC Simón Bolívar ship leading the latest mission, which departed in September 2023.

This ship, a completely Colombian construction, has been instrumental in research on water in the Antarctic region. The studies carried out there are crucial to understanding the state of water resources and finding solutions that benefit Colombia.

In addition to the efforts of the National Navy, indigenous communities, such as the Arhuaco tribe of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, are also taking measures to protect water sources. Their focus on conservation and respect for nature reflects the importance of protecting this vital resource.

Concern about water scarcity is a reality that requires urgent attentionThe National Navy’s research in Antarctica is just one example of the efforts needed to find sustainable solutions.

2024-07-30 01:14:05
#National #Navy #searches #water #Antarctica



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