PULS 24 Summer Conversation with NEOS Owner Beate Meinl-Reisinger – Live Tuesday, July 30th. 8:15pm

2024-07-29 14:07:14

Vienna(OTS) –

The 2024 PULS 24 summer lectures are about to enter the second round. Following last week’s Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler is a guest Meinrad Knapp NEOS boss Beate Meinl-Reisinger is live on Tuesday on the main night of JOYN, PULS 24 and PULS 4.

As club president and party leader Meinle-Reisinger She is running for NEOS’s second national committee with the goal of participating in government. In recent months, Mayne-Reisinger has spared no effort in criticizing the turquoise federal government and also taking on the Socialists and Liberals on both the left and the right. What would a government with pink participation look like? asked Meinrad Knapp.

As at the beginning, viewers can once again have their say live during the summer discussions. As part of IFDD’s Managing Director’s “Special For and Against” campaign dedicated to JOYN and PULS 24, a live survey will be conducted at 9:10pm following the summer discussions with public opinion research agency IFDD. Christoph Hasselmeier exist Gundula Gaijinger be presented. Geisinger then welcomed a high-profile discussion surrounding the NEOS Secretary-General Douglas HoyosÖVP MP Andreas HangelNews” columnist Anneliese Rohrer and actors Gregor Seberg Discuss what to talk about during the summer vacation.

The next day comes Dominik Frazzini The PULS 24 Summer Talk Special airs live on Wednesday, July 31st at 8:15pm. The leader of the Beer Party – which has exceeded the four per cent threshold in all surveys so far – answered the moderator’s questions Meinrad Knapp its political platform, potential alliances and its political objectives. Summer talks with FPÖ party leader Herbert Kickl were originally planned to take place on this day, but he canceled them. This was followed by a “Special For and Against” featuring former National Committee Presidents including Christoph Hasselmeier and Gundula Geisinger Andreas Cole (ÖVP), musician Roman Gregory and communications consultant nina hope Analyze the conversation.

2024 Summer Lectures, PULS 4, PULS 24 and JOYN Live, 8:15pm each
July 30: Beate Meinl-Reisinger, NEOS
July 31: 2024 Summer Lecture Special – Dominik Wlazny, Beer Party
August 6: Andreas Babler, SPÖ
August 13: Karl Nehammer, ÖVP

Repeats every Sunday at 10:15pm on ATV and JOYN

Then always 9:10pm, live on PULS 24 and JOYN
“Special Edition Pros and Cons” with Gundula Geiginger and senior discussants and analysts

Original OTS press release is the sender’s sole responsibility for its content – WWW.OTS.AT | PCT

#PULS #Summer #Conversation #NEOS #Owner #Beate #MeinlReisinger #Live #Tuesday #July #30th #815pm



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