National Food Storage Project Excavator Arrives in Merauke, Haji Isam on State Duty – 2024-07-29 22:28:19

Dozens of heavy equipment belonging to H Isam. (Ist)

DOZENS of heavy equipment, excavators, from a total of thousands ordered by businessman Andi Syamsudin Arsyad alias Haji Isam arrived in Ilwayab Wanam District, Merauke, South Papua. The purchase of heavy equipment from China was carried out to carry out the state’s task of working on the food barn project in Marauke.

The excavator order came using the Liana LXXIX barge, dozens of heavy equipment branded Sany were docked at the PT. Dwi Karya pier, Wanam. These dozens of heavy equipment will be used to support the government’s program in terms of National Food Security, rice field printing, and 1 million hectares in Merauke.

H Isam said the success of the rice field printing program is a big responsibility of the state. So, the process of dismantling heavy equipment which is the main supporting facility for the rice field printing program is monitored directly.

“This is a state task given to me. In my mind, how can the idea of ​​printing one million hectares of rice fields be realized and successful in three years without thinking about profit and loss,” said H Isam in a written statement, Monday (28/7).

He also hopes that the idea of ​​the President-elect for the 2024-2029 period, Prabowo Subianto, can create as many jobs as possible for the Papuan people.

The South Kalimantan businessman bought 2 thousand excavators from the Chinese heavy equipment manufacturer, Sany Group. The thousands of excavators will be used to support domestic agricultural projects. (

#National #Food #Storage #Project #Excavator #Arrives #Merauke #Haji #Isam #State #Duty



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