Alleged Kinshasa/M23-AFC dialogue and Bahala’s revocation: Lamuka is outraged by “groping and hesitation which prove that Félix Tshisekedi no longer knows where he is taking Congo on the security front”

The controversy that arose following the stay of the now former national coordinator of the Disarmament, Demobilization, Community Recovery and Stabilization Program (P-DDRCS), Father Jean-Bosco Bahala in Uganda continues to provoke reactions in the Congolese socio-political environment despite his dismissal by the Head of State Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi.

For the LAMUKA coalition, the decision to revoke it taken by President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi is a “desperate” and “headlong rush” maneuver by the current regime to cut short the anger of the Congolese people to see that after several refusals Félix Tshisekedi wants to engage in dialogue with the M23/AFC coalition for the de-escalation of the security crisis in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

“The dismissal of Jean-Bosco Bahala, coordinator of the Disarmament, Demobilization, Community Recovery and Stabilization Program (P-DDRCS) by Félix Tshisekedi is an escape forward, it is a desperate maneuver on the part of Mr. Félix Tshisekedi to mislead the Congolese, to cut short the growing anger and indignation and the despair of the Congolese who yesterday had heard Félix Tshisekedi swear with his hand on his heart that he would never negotiate with the M23/AFC and that today he would send a delegation secretly on the sly to Uganda to reach out to the M23 and the AFC,” deplored his spokesperson, Prince Epenge, during an interview with ACTUALITE.CD

This close friend and ally of the former presidential candidate, Martin Fayulu, believes that Jean-Bosco Bahala is not a madman. He left, he says, Congo officially with a mission order, a road map for Uganda where, according to him, he had to meet the M23/AFC movement for and on behalf of the Congolese government.

“The Lamuka coalition is outraged by these fumblings, these hesitations which prove sufficiently that Félix Tshisekedi no longer knows where he is taking the Congo in terms of security. It is all the more worrying that a government yesterday said one thing and today it does another. The Congolese are right to be outraged and we demand, on behalf of the Congolese, the truth about the presence of the Congolese delegation in Uganda. This is not Mr. Félix Tshisekedi’s first time and these hesitations do not help the Congo to move forward,” castigated Prince Epenge, a Lamuka executive.

And to continue:

“At the very moment that an internal dynamic has been born for cohesion and national unity are seriously demanded by the Congolese so that all political actors and civil society, we can speak the same language, adopt the same tone in the face of this war of aggression so that we can change the situation on the ground and recover our country and see that Mr. Félix Tshisekedi prefers to attempt secret negotiations on the sly, behind the backs of the Congolese with these terrorists aided by Rwanda is a form of betrayal, it is a contradiction on the part of a regime that is not only incapable of protecting the Congolese but also contradicts itself in each of its decisions.”

The government is formal, there are no negotiations between Kinshasa and the AFC/M23 rebels in Kampala, as indicated by some sources following the presence of a Congolese delegation in Uganda. Jean-Bosco Bahala, national coordinator of the Disarmament, Demobilization, Community Recovery and Stabilization Program in Uganda was dismissed by the Head of State, in the process, after suspicions of a meeting with the rebel camp which is also staying in the Ugandan capital.

Government spokesman Patrick Mayaya speaks of “agitation” by the rebels to make the public believe that the dialogue so demanded by the M23 has finally been launched. The government has still not given the reasons for the dismissal of Mr. Bahala Jean-Bosco.

According to Ugandan sources, an attempt was made to meet on Monday between delegates of the Congo River Alliance (AFC) and a delegation from Kinshasa. Although Bahala denied any meeting with the AFC delegates, explaining that he was in Uganda for the repatriation of Congolese children released by the Ugandan LRA rebellion, the controversy surrounding his presence led to his dismissal.

Witnesses reported incidents during the first exchanges, which ended in a fizzle. Jean-Bosco Bahala denied everything. “I did not meet the M23 people, my mission being well defined within the framework of the DDRRR! The Minister of Communication was clear on this. Evil spirits wanted to take advantage of my presence in Kampala to tarnish my image and that of the government,” he told ACTUALITE.CD.

“The Lamuka coalition is outraged by these fumblings, these hesitations which prove sufficiently that Félix Tshisekedi no longer knows where he is taking the Congo in terms of security. It is all the more worrying that a government yesterday said one thing and today it does another. The Congolese are right to be outraged and we demand, on behalf of the Congolese, the truth about the presence of the Congolese delegation in Uganda. This is not Mr. Félix Tshisekedi’s first time and these hesitations do not help the Congo to move forward,” castigated Prince Epenge, a Lamuka executive.

And to continue:

“At the very moment that an internal dynamic has been born for cohesion and national unity are seriously demanded by the Congolese so that all political actors and civil society, we can speak the same language, adopt the same tone in the face of this war of aggression so that we can change the situation on the ground and recover our country and see that Mr. Félix Tshisekedi prefers to attempt secret negotiations on the sly, behind the backs of the Congolese with these terrorists aided by Rwanda is a form of betrayal, it is a contradiction on the part of a regime that is not only incapable of protecting the Congolese but also contradicts itself in each of its decisions.”

The government is formal, there are no negotiations between Kinshasa and the AFC/M23 rebels in Kampala, as indicated by some sources following the presence of a Congolese delegation in Uganda. Jean-Bosco Bahala, national coordinator of the Disarmament, Demobilization, Community Recovery and Stabilization Program in Uganda was dismissed by the Head of State, in the process, after suspicions of a meeting with the rebel camp which is also staying in the Ugandan capital.

Government spokesman Patrick Mayaya speaks of “agitation” by the rebels to make the public believe that the dialogue so demanded by the M23 has finally been launched. The government has still not given the reasons for the dismissal of Mr. Bahala Jean-Bosco.

According to Ugandan sources, an attempt was made to meet on Monday between delegates of the Congo River Alliance (AFC) and a delegation from Kinshasa. Although Bahala denied any meeting with the AFC delegates, explaining that he was in Uganda for the repatriation of Congolese children released by the Ugandan LRA rebellion, the controversy surrounding his presence led to his dismissal.

Witnesses reported incidents during the first exchanges, which ended in a fizzle. Jean-Bosco Bahala denied everything. “I did not meet the M23 people, my mission being well defined within the framework of the DDRRR! The Minister of Communication was clear on this. Evil spirits wanted to take advantage of my presence in Kampala to tarnish my image and that of the government,” he told ACTUALITE.CD.


2024-07-27 11:39:46
#Alleged #KinshasaM23AFC #dialogue #Bahalas #revocation #Lamuka #outraged #groping #hesitation #prove #Félix #Tshisekedi #longer #Congo #security #front



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