Lula to Maduro: In a democracy, “the loser gets a bath of votes, not a bath of blood”

BRASILIA, Brazil.- Brazilian President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silvaconfessed this Monday that he got scared” when his Venezuelan counterpart, Nicolas Madurosaid that if he loses Sunday’s elections in his country, there will be “a bloodbath”.

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Nicolas Maduro on campaign

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During a campaign event, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said that “The destiny of Venezuela in the 21st century depends on our victory on July 28; if we do not want Venezuela to fall into a bloodbath, into a fratricidal civil war, the product of the fascists, let us guarantee the greatest success, the greatest victory in the electoral history of our people.”

Lula da Silva scared by Maduro’s statements

“I was scared by that statement,” Lula said in an interview with foreign correspondents, in which he revealed that He spoke twice with Maduro to warn him that “if he wants to contribute to solving Venezuela’s growth problem and the return of those who left, he has to respect the democratic process.”

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Lula added that, in a democracy, “the one who loses gets a bath of votes, not a bath of blood,” and that “Maduro has to learn that When one wins, one staysy When he loses he leaves and prepares for another election.”

According to the Brazilian president, next Sunday’s elections will be “the only opportunity” for Venezuela to “return to normal” and that the country reintegrates into the regional and international community.

“That is what I wish for Venezuela and for all of South America,” he added.

Brazil to send observers to Venezuelan elections

He also reported that, in addition to the two observers that the Brazilian electoral court will send, he has decided that his former foreign minister and current advisor on International Affairs will also travel to Venezuela, Celso Amorimwho will be present at the elections on Sunday.

Lula has always advocated for elections within the consensus of the Barbados Agreementswith full participation of the opposition and with results recognized by all.

He has also defended a large presence of international observers and expressed his “concern” about the veto of opposition member Maria Corina Machadolater replaced as a candidate by the former diplomat Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutiawho is considered the favourite in polls for Sunday’s election.

You may also like: “Maduro is past”: no corner of the country remains for him, says María Corina“

#Lula #Maduro #democracy #loser #bath #votes #bath #blood
2024-07-29 20:26:51



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