Much to do: for the rescue of Venezuelan democracy | By: Luis A. Villarreal P.

The electoral process of the Presidential elections could be largely explained by assumptions and conjectures prior to the fresh elections: the ‘committed’ Schedule and the end of the old and frustrated aspiration of Free Elections; both commitments provided for in the Barbados Agreement with the aim of carrying out a comprehensive electoral process, aimed at facilitating and promoting the participation of the electorate. [escéptico y desconfiado]only if the governing body CNE had in mind that its chastened rectors would stand out as a proportionately impartial referee; living up to its slogan of being at the head of the “best electoral system in the world.” But it was all a vain illusion because none of that happened.

Both objectives – compliance with the Schedule and Free Elections – were left outside the ‘integrality’ of the electoral process, leaving loose ends in relevant and compromising aspects; ending in an event held according to the convenience of the government and its unconditional scorpion candidates, whose joint mission was to divide the vote to the detriment of the true opposition candidate represented by Edmundo González, sponsored by María Corina Machado and the Democratic Unitary Platform.

Based only on what happened up to the eve of 7/28, the CNE remains undefeated as a precedent, a resoundingly biased CNE, whose genuflection and pro-government adherence made free elections impossible, and in general ended up carrying out a rigged and messy electoral process, if we observe objectively and fairly, the following:

Restrictions on the participation of voters who are prevented from registering and voting, as well as those who were banned from running for president.

The harassment, obstruction and persecution of the Democratic Candidacy, all corroborating the infamous character of Chavismo.

— The regime’s advantage in comfortably using state resources in open mobilization and dissemination of its candidacy; in contrast to the national proselytizing blockade of the Candidacy of Change.

The handling of invitations to international observers, approved and suspended, including the prohibition of entry into the country to those who believed it pertinent to show solidarity with Venezuelan democracy; and other details, no less malicious, resulting in elections porous with illegality.

Given the consequences of what has been pointed out; whose basic purpose was to discourage voting in order to achieve abstention, in this crusade led by the government; the Venezuelan Opposition was not daunted because participation grew without fear even before the event, ready to exercise and protect the vote; an attitude demonstrated in the equipment and adaptation of the voting centers.

In relation to the threats — materialized in blockades, harassment, arrests and coercion towards those who were forced to support the reelection candidacy — the Opposition and the analysts, knowing that polls showed the enormous advantage in favor of the Unitary Candidacy, could not specify what would happen on 7/28, due to the entire unpredictable spectrum of the regime. Nevertheless, it was shown not to fall into diatribe, into the pernicious and biting rhetoric of an unhinged officialdom bordering on paranoia and contumacy, always warning — in multiple ways — to recognize only its victory.

The opposition leadership, the most radical represented by MCM, revealed the existence of certain rapprochements with its questioned and staunch opponents, in a similar attitude to that assumed by the candidate Edmundo and many others, by allowing the possibility of granting guarantees of political coexistence through an amnesty process to be floated. Perhaps in search of appeasement and not so much peace.

We continue to pay close attention to the alleged negotiations, internal or external, in which the Regime needs a very important guarantor to negotiate its possible departure in exchange for benefits for those who would be involved in judicial proceedings or accusations.

Despite the “they will not return” “sentences” chanted by their followers until the end of the campaign, it was believed that the Regime was weighing up its last-minute options in case of losing by a “relative” margin, and, according to which, daring to announce its defeat or transmute the results.

The People, despite the outrageous abuses of the continuists, kept hope in their democratic leaders, believing them to be busy directing the implementation, if necessary, of the demand to respect the Popular Will, the firm demand for victory. Also in the FAN, because they perceived in the uniformed men the same clamor for change, eager for the institutional recovery of Venezuela.

The fight is not over, it continues

Ain advance

We couldn’t know what happened

yesterday. Today as always

attentive, we assume

the circumstances of a tense election.

Previewed results,

They make the Austere Change


We are waiting:

that the Regime transfers

the power and the gear starts

of autonomous powers;

see the institutions again

complying with the laws.

The struggle takes more effort

demands us, if we really want

live Free.

Consolidate the urgent purposes

of an unparalleled struggle,

keeps us sane

and awake! ‘until the end’ of everything.


Being optimistic; with unscathed hope and full of faith guiding our steps; we will reach a safe port on January 10, 2025 or before, who knows; to go on to review in new episodes the political, social and economic transformation of our country. Of course, through an activity interpreting with consideration the essential priorities: humanitarian aid, including the improvement of the redundant purchasing power of well-being; accompanied by institutional restructuring, firmness of political power and governability, without delay or sentimentality.


#rescue #Venezuelan #democracy #Luis #Villarreal
2024-07-29 19:49:37



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