Orbán – “Time is working for the peace camp” – 2024-07-29 18:04:02

Orbán – “Time is working for the peace camp”
 – 2024-07-29 18:04:02

“If Europe does not come to its senses, it will remain alone in this war,” the Prime Minister said on Saturday at the Bálványos Summer University.

Viktor Orbán’s eagerly awaited annual speech in Tusnad (Tusnádfürdő / Baile Tusnad) was, as expected, about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. “The world order is undergoing a shake-up, Asia is becoming the dominant centre,” the Prime Minister analysed, stressing the need for a “large-scale Hungarian strategy”, the first, “raw” version of which already exists.

Peace process begins to ferment

Orbán disarmed the criticism of his peace mission from the EU headquarters by pointing out that peace has always been a fundamental concern of the EU. Striving for precisely that can therefore not be reprehensible. If the EU does not switch to a peace policy by the time of the US presidential elections, it will be alone with its stance after a Donald Trump election victory.

The Hungarian certainly sees the first signs of the success of his peace mission, since the foreign ministers of the USA and Russia have spoken to each other since then, and the Russian foreign minister has also negotiated with his Swiss counterpart. Volodymyr Zelensky finally called Donald Trump and sent his foreign minister to Beijing. “The peace process is thus beginning to ferment,” Orbán said.

Viktor Orbán: “It is wrong to view the Russians as a rigid Stalinist autocracy.” Photo: MTI/ Zoltán Fischer

The brutality of the war in Ukraine is taking away the power of ideologies, statistical tricks and media manipulation, and even conspiracy theories are no longer relevant. The brutal reality is that both sides still do not want to reach an agreement despite the huge blood sacrifices of hundreds of thousands. This is because both continue to believe they are capable of victory and believe they are in the right. That is why peace must come from outside.

Orbán: “EU a mindless enforcer”

Orbán still cannot understand why the USA is driving China and Russia into each other’s arms. He believes that European politics has collapsed because the EU has given up representing its own interests. “Today, the EU is unconditionally following the policies of the US Democrats, even at the cost of self-destruction,” the Prime Minister said.

The sanctions against Russia would harm fundamental European interests, drive up energy prices and undermine the competitiveness of the European economy. The previous Paris-Berlin axis no longer exists or is being bypassed by a new center of power from London through the Scandinavian and Baltic states to Warsaw and Kiev.

This plan to sever the ties between Germans and Russians has long been nurtured by the Poles, who are offering themselves as the main US base in Europe. Orbán strongly criticized the Poles, who are particularly hypocritical when it comes to lecturing others, but who themselves continue to trade with the Russians “uninhibitedly.” Warsaw has given up the Visegrád Group (V4) for this strategy and is massively rearming – the second largest military force in Europe after France is equipped with 5% (!) of the Polish GDP.

Orbán – “Time is working for the peace camp”
 – 2024-07-29 18:04:02
Viktor Orbán: The silence of Germany to blow up the Nord Stream gas pipelines, a terrorist attack orchestrated by the USA, is an act of submission.Photo: MTI/ Nándor Veres

Orbán believes that the West has managed to force its “values” such as liberal democracy and the Green Deal on the world, but has failed to forge a broad front against Russia and pro-West with the new “world standard”. On top of that, the Ukraine war has exposed the weaknesses and disunity of the West.

Specifically, the Prime Minister refuted the Western media’s narratives about the “crazy” Russians. In reality, Russia is run “hyperrationally” and is therefore understandable and predictable. The West is completely different, acting irrationally and being unpredictable.

What the liberal elites are proud of

In this difficult situation, Hungary is trying to interpret the West in a new way. The difficulties in doing so could arise from the fact that Central Europeans still think in terms of nation states, which the West considers to be outdated. In the same way, the “biblical” basis of the state is being denied.

While hundreds of thousands of Christians in Eastern Europe are killing each other, the West is allowing hundreds of thousands of people from foreign civilizations into the country without any control. What Hungary denounces as absurd, the EU leadership celebrates as “overcoming the nations” and in this sense wants to wrest sovereignty from the member states.

A similar battle is raging in the USA, which is why the presidential elections in November are of the utmost importance. Because Donald Trump wants to free the United States from the post-national liberal trauma, every possible means has been put in motion against him: they wanted to throw him in prison, confiscate his assets and – when none of that worked – they did not even shy away from murdering him.

Today’s liberal elites no longer want to represent the citizens and are proud of it. For these politicians, ordinary people are xenophobes, homophobes and nationalists. The people, for their part, accuse the elites of having given up their representation and of indulging in a senseless globalism. The left-liberal oligarchy also holds Brussels in its hands.

Photo: MTI/ Zoltán Fischer

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