Regional Turmoil: Legal Actions in Guinea, Renewed Fighting in Mali, and Controversies Surrounding Nigeria’s Oil Regulator

This morning, journalists and experts from RFI answered your questions about a complaint filed in France against the Guinean transition president, about a meeting between a Congolese coordinator and AFC officials, and about the conflict between Nigerian billionaire Aliko Dangote and the oil regulatory authority.

Mali: Resumption of fighting between the army and CSP rebels

Fighting between the Malian army, accompanied by Wagner mercenaries, and the CSP rebels took place not far from the Algerian border. How can we explain this resurgence of tension between the Malian army and the CSP rebels after months of calm? What is the significance of this area?

With Serge Daniel, correspondent for the Sahel, live from Cotonou.

Guinea: A complaint in France against Mamadi Doumbouya

The wives of FNDC members have filed a complaint in France against the transition president Mamadi Doumbouya and two other junta members. Why did they decide to file a complaint in France? How can we explain that we still do not know where Foniké Mengué and Billo Bah are, 20 days after their arrest?

With Vincent Brengarth, lawyer at the Paris Bar, attorney for the wives of Foniké Mengué and Billo Bah.

DRC: Have talks with the AFC taken place?

The coordinator of the disarmament and demobilization program was dismissed for meeting with AFC officials, a party allied with the M23, in Kampala. Authorities deny any mandate from the coordinator. How can we explain that this meeting took place?

With Christian Moleka, political analyst, coordinator of Dypol, the dynamic of Congolese political scientists.

Nigeria: The difficulties of Aliko Dangote’s mega-refinery

The Nigerian billionaire, who has invested 20 billion dollars to build a refinery, is in conflict with the oil regulatory authority. Why is he accusing the regulatory authority of bringing low-quality and cheap oil onto the Nigerian market?

With Charles Thiémélé, Africa director of BGN SA, a trading company based in Geneva.



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