President Maduro when voting: We must preserve and defend peace

President Nicolás Maduro highlighted early this Sunday the importance of preserving peace in the country, while exercising his right to vote at the Simón Rodríguez National Bolivarian Ecological School, located in Fuerte Tiuna, Caracas.

“If there is something to preserve and defend, it is peace, harmony, coexistence among Venezuelans. Today is a day for good to continue doing good in the name of God and holy providence, it is the closest expression to love and love is defending God. “Everyone to vote,” he stated when offering statements to representatives of the press.

Likewise, President Maduro commented that when exchanging with delegates from other countries that are in the country within the international oversight, they highlighted the difference between peace in Venezuela in elections compared to similar processes in other nations where an environment has been imposed. hostile and violent.

In contrast, he highlighted the peace that was present throughout the free and open electoral campaign in the national territory and affirmed that it will be maintained throughout the country.

“Tomorrow there will be peace in Venezuela, that is the mission, to guarantee peace,” added the head of state.

Respect the electoral referee and the people

In his statements, President Maduro stressed that the electoral referee and the Constitution must be respected.

In this sense, he called on the ten candidates and the 38 participating political organizations to respect and enforce the results announced by the National Electoral Council (CNE).

For his part, he ratified his respect for the referee and indicated that what he says will be recognized and defended by the civic-military police union and the people.

In addition, he called on the world to respect Venezuela’s decision in its sovereign exercise of the vote and once again rejected any act of foreign interference that seeks to affect this Sunday’s electoral process, AVN reported.

“We ask for respect from Venezuela. “Venezuela does not get involved in any electoral process and we ask for the same,” she asserted.

He stated that his main objective is to unite the country and build new consensus to lead the country to become a power.

He emphasized the importance of dialogue and announced that this would be his first decree, highlighting in this sense the economic dialogue.

Quick and easy process

The head of state was received by the authorities of the educational center, the members of the Electoral Board, as well as the people who showed him affection.

From room number 5 of the Simón Rodríguez School, after greeting the board members, the President made the round of the horseshoe, completing the voting process, placing the ballot in the box and finishing the process by placing his signature and fingerprint on the voting notebook.

Later, the First Combatant, Cilia Flores de Maduro, also voted at this electoral center.

The president highlighted the speed of the process with all the options it offers: 38 political organizations and ten candidates.

#President #Maduro #voting #preserve #defend #peace
2024-07-29 08:56:00



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