An Indian girl who married a Pakistani young man online got into trouble – World

Trouble has increased for an Indian woman who married a young Pakistani man online, the Indian police has charged her with changing her name.

According to the details, the woman from the police station in the Indian state of Maharashtra had recently returned to India from Pakistan, where suspicions are being expressed on her by the Indian police, while the investigation has also been started. .

According to Indian media, security officials have alleged that Khatun Nagmah submitted fake documents, where she used a fake name and Aadhaar card to obtain a Pakistani visa.

Naghama had come to India from Pakistan on July 17, where according to police officials, Naghama Noor Maqsood’s real name was revealed to be Sanam Khan Rukh.

On the other hand, the woman’s mother denied the police claim and said that the daughter had changed her name after separating from her ex-husband in 2015, while she had also changed the names of her children. Although the Indian police have not arrested the woman, they have definitely started an investigation.

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2024-07-29 07:05:57



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