Cubans protest against diminished standard family food basket 2024-07-29 05:34:59

The shortage of basic products in the standard family basket is causing much indignation among Cubans, who denounce the reduction of essential foodstuffs such as sugar, oil and milk for children.

This week, the Ministry of Domestic Trade advertisement the distribution of products in Havana, the capital of Cuba, but the quantity and frequency of delivery have left many dissatisfied.

Pedro Manuel Cruz expressed his outrage on our own page: “Where are the 4 pounds of sugar? They are abusers, they are taking away our ration book little by little, there is no shame.” His comment reflects the general feeling of frustration at the government’s failure to keep its promises.

Some, like Maria Gonzalez, used sarcasm to ask: “And did the parole come to sugar?” Her comment reinforces the perception that state-subsidized products are increasingly out of reach for the average Cuban.

The problem, as we know, is not limited to sugar alone. The lack of milk for children has also caused great concern.

What is happening with the delivery of milk for children in Cuba?

An anonymous commenter says: “And what about children’s food? The milk from the first ten days was not given to children aged 2 to 7. Not all families have the purchasing power to buy milk and chicken from MSMEs.”

Juan, another affected citizen, highlighted the failure to deliver oil: “The oil from May and June was forgotten and so we are left with 2 pounds of sugar?”

The situation has led some, like Blas, to question the usefulness of the ration book:

“We need to stop using the ration book, it is no longer necessary. Now it only serves as an instrument in the hands of critics to discredit the work that has been built.” Blas suggests that the resources allocated to the diminished basket could be better used to supply SMEs and protect the most vulnerable, such as retirees, with increases in their pensions.

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