Presidential elections on 28Jul witnesses and members of the table

Like every democratic event, the upcoming presidential elections on 28Julare a historic event that will mark a true milestone in the contemporary history of Venezuela.

Not only for the simple fact that a new presidential term will be elected in our country, but also because these elections are wrapped in a series of events and situations of a political and social nature, which leave a deep mark on the future of Venezuelans.

For part of this new story that is currently being written in the presidential elections on 28Jul, It is necessary to take into account not only the main actors.

This chapter of this series called Venezuela, has its main actors who are the candidates, the political parties, the Armed Forces and the government itself. National Electoral Council (CNE).

But like any good soap opera or story told in a theater or movie theater, there are other key actors who help the plot develop.

One of those many actors that form the basis of this new story are the table witnesses electoral bodies and their members.

What is the real function of these two characters for them to have a leading role in this story?

Witnesses in the presidential elections of #28Jul

Los electoral witnesses They are those citizens who fulfill a function of observers and representatives of the different political parties, at each of the voting tables.

They are responsible for representing their organization in the oversight of the events carried out, in order to maintain the transparency of the elections and ensure that the existing regulations in the electoral process are complied with.

The participation of witnesses is based on the Organic Law of Electoral Processes of the CNE.

Its duties?

  • They must oversee the smooth running of the entire electoral process, from the installation of the tables to the totalisation of the counts.
  • It must also ensure that the minutes and votes are kept safe by the Plan República.
  • They report any irregularities that may have occurred during the process and record them in the electoral minutes, signed and sealed by all parties.
  • Be present at the drawing of the polling stations that will be chosen for citizen verification.
  • To be a direct participant in the citizen verification as a witness, to ensure that those involved sign the four minutes that are drawn up and to verify that they are sealed with the corresponding stamp.

And the members of the table?

Randomly and by a computerized system, the CNE makes a random selection of the citizens who will be members of the table in each electoral process.

As has occurred in the last acts of popular election, in these presidential elections on 28Jul The members of the tables underwent online training, which, according to the CNE, accredits them once and for all.

Read also: Ombudsman’s Office will activate 700 officials for #28Jul

It is worth remembering that currently, a large part of the presidential candidates opposition, have made public and notorious that just hours before the upcoming elections, there are some irregularities with the accreditations of these electoral actors.

Within the selection process there was a plan for direct notification to the members of tablesa period to reject said assignment and of course, for training.

What are you doing in these presidential elections on #28Jul?

  • The polling station members are the citizen representatives in the sacred act of voting. They are responsible for ensuring that all the tasks assigned during the voting process are carried out and fulfilled.
  • They must validate that all electoral material received is not damaged and is intended for each of the tables to which it is assigned.
  • Verify that everything is in order, from the minutes, ballots, voting notebooks, software equipment and everything related to the table to which they belong.
  • They are responsible for setting up the table so that the voting can take place.
  • At the time of verification and counting of votes, once the day of receiving votes has ended, the members of the table must carry out the counting of the votes, in the presence of witnesses and all the personnel summoned for said act.
  • In addition, they must issue the results of said count and certify that the information matches both the minutes and the count. All the material will be safeguarded and cannot be tampered with, either by them or by Plan República.
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#Presidential #elections #28Jul #witnesses #members #table
2024-07-29 04:40:03



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