which regions will be affected –

It is now clear to everyone: the real heat has arrived and has no intention of leaving any time soon. The much debated Caronte anticyclone is overwhelming a large part of our Peninsula to the point of causing temperatures to shoot up. The experts at the ilmeteo.it. “The North African origin of this real anticyclonic colossus brings about a very muggy type of heat because the air masses that feed it are not only very hot, but at the same time also very humid”, they wrote. What does this mean? The energy can transform into “heat storms”.

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Which regions will be most affected by this phenomenon? Today “the sun will be able to shine practically without threats except for some clouds at times compact on the Alpine reliefs where an umbrella will not be necessary anyway”, the team stated. Change of pace in the afternoon, “when the clouds already partly present on the reliefs of the North, will gradually become increasingly gray and threatening triggering the formation of thunderstorms ready to explode especially in Alto Adige and the Alps of Friuli”, they specified. What should we expect? “The phenomena could also be violent accompanied by strong gusts of wind, abundant showers and local hailstorms”, they added.

#regions #affected #Tempo
2024-07-29 03:15:56



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