Installation of cisterns improves access to water in indigenous communities in Chaco

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Within the framework of the Indigenous Development Plan, linked to Lot 3 of the Milk Route, a water infrastructure initiative is being implemented in indigenous communities in the Paraguayan Chaco. Four asbestos-cement tanks with a capacity of 20,000 liters each were installed in the town of Paratodo, department of Presidente Hayes.

The construction of 21 additional cisterns in the Nich’a Toyish community is also planned, as well as ensuring a continuous supply of water to the communities.

This work is carried out by the Ministry of Public Works and Communications and is part of the project “Enabling and maintenance of the Agroindustrial Corridors of the Western Region or Milk Route”, executed by the Project Execution Unit, with financing from the Inter-American Development Bank.

Paratodo, with an estimated population of 550 inhabitants, including a variety of age groups, will directly benefit from this improvement in water supply.

The reservoirs will facilitate the collection of rainwater, providing an essential source during the frequent periods of drought that plague the area.

The project involves the implementation of rainwater harvesting systems to optimize access to water for indigenous communities in the Paraguayan Chaco.

These works are carried out after a process of free, prior and informed consultation with the beneficiaries, ensuring that the action responds to the real needs of the population.

The interventions will not only improve water access in indigenous communities, but will also promote regional economic development by facilitating transportation in this crucial agro-industrial area of ​​Chaco.

Comprehensive road project: Milk Route

The initiative is part of a plan to improve road infrastructure in the Central Chaco region. The Milk Route includes the improvement of 184.5 km of roads, divided into three strategic lots.

Lot 1 goes from Cruce de los Pioneros to km 48.4 of the main section, including access to Santa Cecilia and Lolita.

Lot 2 covers from Cruce de los Pioneros to Paratodo, continues to Cruce Douglas and includes access to Campo Aceval and the section to Cruce Infante Ávalos Sánchez.

Lot 3 completes the sections Paratodo – Douglas Crossing and Campo Aceval – Infante Ávalos Sánchez Crossing.

#Installation #cisterns #improves #access #water #indigenous #communities #Chaco
2024-07-29 02:25:38



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