How to easily and quickly peel boiled eggs – 2024-07-29 01:05:43

How to easily and quickly peel boiled eggs
 – 2024-07-29 01:05:43

The egg, whether boiled, fried, poached or scrambled, is eaten in many different recipes with eggs, depending on the wishes of each of us.

The egg, however, is a healthy, satisfying and quick food. It is a source of high quality protein, providing a series of vitamins and minerals to our body. Sometimes, however, many face difficulty in peeling hard-boiled eggs. So, what is the reason why the egg white “sticks” to the shell?

However, you don’t need to worry, as there are some tips, in order to peel boiled eggs easily and quickly, without suffering.

What to do once you have boiled the eggs

First, you need to place the eggs in the pot, after previously boiling the water on medium intensity. If you fill the pot with water and put the eggs directly in, then they may break.

In order to avoid this possibility, it is useful to place the eggs in the pot with a spoon. Also, set the kitchen timer for about 14 minutes. Then, remove the eggs from the pot and place them in a bowl of ice water or ice cubes and let them cool for a few minutes.

Through the ice water, the boiling process is stopped, while the eggs will continue to use the residual heat, until they cool, so that the white acquires a soft and elastic texture. Also, once hard-boiled eggs are submerged in ice water, the egg white is going to “shrink” slightly and come off the shell more easily.

Does it matter if the egg is fresh?

Better choose eggs that are not fresh, as they are difficult to peel. Of course, we must always check the expiration date, so the ideal solution is to boil eggs that are a few days old. In any case, always make sure the eggs are kept in the refrigerator. You can also check the quality of an egg with a simple method. Place the egg in a bowl of water. If the egg stays at the bottom, it means it is fresh. If it rises to the surface of the water, then avoid consuming it.

Shake the eggs in a jar

Instead of removing small pieces from the shell slowly, there is a quick method. Place the boiled eggs in a jar, and shake it, so that multiple cracks are created, like a mosaic. Then place your thumb on the back of the egg – where the air chamber is – and start peeling the egg. You can also peel the remaining pieces under running water.

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