Táchira | Electoral centres and opposition houses were vandalised in the municipality of Guásimos

DLA. Electoral centers and homes of opposition political leaders were vandalized early Saturday morning in the municipality of Guásimos in Táchira state with intimidating messages.

On the graffitied walls you can read messages such as: “leave the one who is still alone”, “Guásimos territory of peace”. One of the most affected walls is that of the Monseñor San Miguel School Group, the voting center with the largest number of voters in this town in Táchira.

In one of the videos circulating on social media, two vans, one grey and one white, can be seen transporting the alleged perpetrators of the graffiti on the different walls of the municipality,

Among the affected areas are Carrera 6 and Calle 5, Calle 6 between Carrera 6 and 7, Carrera 7 and Calle 5, and the La Laguna and Curacao sectors.

“Just hours before the election process, today in Guásimos we woke up victims of psychological violence and threats from groups that roamed the streets of Palmira since nightfall, disturbing the peace of us citizens simply for thinking differently, for wanting change,” said one of the people whose home was tagged.

He believes that these people are acting like vandals and in a hidden manner under the protection of security forces. He asked that these persecutions cease because they have not committed any kind of crime, they have only dedicated themselves to fighting for a better country.

“What do we explain to our children about the fact that our homes are being watched for? To harm us, to intimidate us? This causes them anxiety and fear. It is not possible for us to continue living in a country where our rights are violated and there is no guarantee that we will be safe as a family, as citizens,” she said.

The neighbors decided to organize themselves today, Saturday, and paint the walls that were graffitied.

#Táchira #Electoral #centres #opposition #houses #vandalised #municipality #Guásimos
2024-07-28 23:57:35



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