UMD is playing their game!

2024-07-25 14:44:29

In this Olympic year, Le Roufray Hospital CenterThe long-term commitment to promoting the game within Distressed Patient Units (UMD) will launch the first national version on 19 September. Eight of France’s ten UMDs stand on the starting linet, Promote adaptive physical activity while destigmatizing mental disorders.

Since 2019, Rufray Hospital organizes a Sports Discovery Day for patients of its Unit for Difficult Patients (UMD) to support a positive and destigmatizing image of these specialized units. The goal of treatment is to help patients participate in practice Adapting to physical activity, the benefits of which are recognized, can also develop social interactions that often worsen with disease. What started as an awareness day quickly grew into a weekly event over the years.

The UMD of CH du Rouvray hopes to give the event national significance in an Olympic year by involving other UMDs in France in this adventure. Therefore, the plan will continue until 2024, and 8 UMDs will welcome 500 patients to participate in the “French UMD Games” on September 19, 2024. In partnership with the French Adapted Sports Federation and the Pierre Denick Foundation, and under the patronage of former Sports Minister Dr. Valérie Fourneyronthis initiative aims to:

Incorporate adaptive physical activity into the mental health care pathway; Promote interprofessional communication between patients, external stakeholders, guests and healthcare professionals; Value patients and their progress; Remove the stigma of mental illness in society; Raise the public awareness Awareness of mental health issues.

Agenda for September 19, 2024:

All partners UMD live broadcast the Olympic opening ceremony; various sports workshops (hockey, basketball, rock climbing, equestrian, rugby, etc.)
Intervention of high-level sports clubs; collective dining; on-site awards ceremony for all UMD partners.

Eight out of ten UMDs in France participated in this major event:
Albi – Athletics: Ekla Albi; Riding: SJO Riding ALBI; Rugby: SC Albigeois; Archery
Cadillac – Rugby: Langonnais Stadium; Table Tennis: UACTT; Judo: Basaka Judo Club; Painting
UMD Occupational Therapy Olympics
CHALONS EN CHAMPAGNE – Cornhole: Cornhole Champagne Sparkling Bag; Athletics: EFSRA Reims
Athletics; Climbing: Chalons en Champagne Alpine Club, France; Hip-Hop: The Art of Insomnia
Lyon – Football: Lou Rugby; Basketball: LDLC ASVEL; Track and Field: ASVEL Omnisports
PLOUGUERNEVEL – Badminton: Bad’Club Rostrenen; Basketball: HN Landerneau Bretagne Basket;
Triathlon: Pontivian Triathlon; Rugby: Pontivian Rugby Club (RCP)
Rouen – Wrestling: ASPTT Rouen; Equestrian: Val de Scie Equestrian Center; Hockey: Rouen Dragons;
Athletics: Normandie Athletics Federation
Salguemina – Athletics: ASSA Salguemina; Wrestling: Wrestling Club; Swimming: Sailing Circle
VILLEJUIF – Relays; Basketball/shootout; Archery/Badminton; Elliptical

• Learn more aboutCH Le Rouvray website.

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