Arsenal have made initial contact with PSG about Ruiz

Arsenal have made initial contact with PSG about Ruiz

The silly blog

Fabián Ruiz joined PSG in 2022, and in his first season he was a given cog in midfield. However, it has been more difficult in the last season for the Spaniard – as he has been relegated more and more to the bench.

And now the 28-year-old could be on his way to the Premier League.

The Daily Record claim that Arsenal have made initial contact regarding a transfer. But according to the site, Ruiz has a demand. He will only join the London club if Arsenal sell one of their current midfielders.

In the event of a possible transfer, it will primarily be a loan agreement with an associated purchase option, writes the Daily Record.

In total, Fabián Ruiz has played 72 games in the PSG shirt, in which he scored six goals and ten assists.

During this summer’s EC, the midfielder played in all but one match with Spain. He scored two goals and two assists, and was thus a strong contributing factor to the Spaniards being able to bring home the EC gold.

Published 2024-07-25 16:46



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