More resources for AMLO’s works

More resources for AMLO’s works

MEXICO CITY (El Universal).— The president of the Budget and Public Accounts Commission, Marcos Rosendo Medina Filigrana (from Morena), anticipated that in 2025, the Chamber of Deputies will give more resources to the priority projects of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

In an interview with the media, prior to leading the closing session of the commission, he indicated that figures have not yet been established; however, he clarified, “all infrastructure projects require a budget.”

“All infrastructure in a country requires a budget, even if it is finished; you finish a runway today and that does not mean that it does not have a budget for maintenance,” he said.

“Any infrastructure requires personnel for its operation and it will be normal to see that there is a budget for this type of work as well,” he said.

The legislator denied that works such as the Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA) and the Dos Bocas Refinery are projects that are not yielding results.

“These are projects that are in the process of consolidation. Today, for example, I just arrived through AIFA and there was at least one plane on the runway that was going to the Dominican Republic, another from Aeroméxico, two from VivaAerobus. I think that the airport is starting to have movement and will be consolidated in the coming months and years…”

In the case of Dos Bocas, he said that “it is a technical issue and surely in the coming weeks there will also be substantial progress.”

Less to the INE

Medina Filigrana said that in the case of the National Electoral Institute (INE) there will be budget adjustments to reduce its resources since there will not be elections of the great importance of those of June 2.

“Next year there must be an adjustment to the budget of the electoral bodies, given that it is not a strictly electoral year in the country; perhaps in some federal entities, but not like in 2024.”

Take a look


The budget given to the INE this year was sufficient to carry out the electoral process efficiently, said Congressman Marcos Rosendo Medina Filigrana.

Key dates

The budget package will be presented on September 8 and is expected to be approved before October 20, as stipulated in the Constitution, said Medina Filigrana during the last meeting of the Budget and Public Accounts Commission.

#resources #AMLOs #works
2024-07-28 22:43:59



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