PDVSA Gas and Camimpeg sign agreement to extend the ULÉ-Amuay gas pipeline

Pdvsa Gas signed a contract with the Military Company of Mining, Oil and Gas Industries (Camimpeg) to build the extension of the ULÉ-Amuay gas pipeline, with the aim of strengthening gas distribution in the West of the national territory.

The agreement was signed by the vice president of Gas and president of Pdvsa Gas, Luis González, and the president of Camimpeg, Ovelio Barrera Corrales.

According to the account of PDVSA Gas on the social network Instagram, the parties signed a contract for the extension of 132 kilometers of pipeline, allowing the hydrocarbon transportation capacity to increase.

This will contribute to “strengthening the supply to the domestic market in the West of the country and exports to Colombia.”

Thus, PDVSA Gas continues to advance with the rebirth of the industry, through the creation and inter-institutional links to develop projects that strengthen the safe and reliable delivery of gas.

This, “aligned with the energy policies of the National Government of President Nicolás Maduro and the strategic orientations of the Minister of Popular Power of Petroleum and president of PDVSA, Pedro Tellechea,” he added.

#PDVSA #Gas #Camimpeg #sign #agreement #extend #ULÉAmuay #gas #pipeline
2024-07-28 20:12:16



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