“I leave a region in order, I am proud” –

With a letter filed this morning, the President of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti, formalized his resignation today, after 80 days under house arrest as part of the investigation into corruption in Liguria. Toti, two-thirds of the way through his second term as governor, was elected president of the Liguria Region on June 11, 2015, confirmed in the 2020 regional elections. The letter was filed by regional councilor Giacomo Giampedrone, delegated by Toti himself. “I would have liked to deal differently with our territory, with the many mayors and administrators with whom we have shared projects, the friends who have supported me in two decades of tireless work, the political forces that have supported this experience. It was not possible to do so, I am confident that it will be in the near future, once the magistrates have evaluated the requests that the lawyer Savi is preparing to resubmit in the next few hours”, writes Toti in the letter.

Toti, it's the day of resignation. But this is how the prosecutors win, even before the trial

“I leave a Region in order. I waited until today to resign to allow the Regional Council to approve the Budget Adjustment and the Financial Statement, which are fundamental for the management of the Authority – continues the former Mediaset face -. And it is satisfying that this very difficult moment coincides with the end of the construction site and the opening of the Via dell’Amore, a complex work, on which we have worked for years, which gives back to the world one of the symbols of Liguria”. “I leave proud of the many things done and honored to have worked with many capable and courageous people, who will be able to carry this experience forward – he emphasizes again -. I thank the councilors who have succeeded one another in these years, my extraordinary Presidency staff, who have supported me tirelessly with true self-denial to the project, those managers and officials who have supported us with competence and passion”.

Toti has resigned. Forced to resign after the judicial pillory with no way out

“A new phase opens for everyone. The voters have the task of judging the Liguria that we have built together in these long years and deciding whether to continue on this path”, Toti’s message. “To the parties of the majority – he then says – the responsibility to proudly valorize the results achieved, not betray the consensus gathered, valorize the ruling class grown in the territory. To the courts of the Republic to evaluate the responsibilities called into question by the investigation. To the National Parliament and the public opinion of the country the duty to treasure this experience and draw clear and fair rules for the coexistence between justice and politics within our democratic system”. “I sincerely thank all the people, and there are many, who without even knowing me have made me feel their closeness and their affection through my family and my lawyer. From this moment I too will return to being a simple, ordinary citizen of our beautiful Liguria”, the conclusion of Toti’s letter.

#leave #region #order #proud #Tempo
2024-07-28 14:36:01



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