Olympics, “where is Pope Francis?”. Viganò and the broadside on the Last Supper –

The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics has sparked a heated global debate. The citation of Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper in a queer DJ set version with drag queens in place of the apostles has outraged many observers. A gesture in this direction could not be missed by the rebel bishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the monsignor excommunicated by the Vatican after being condemned for schism following the long battle against Pope Francis.

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Viganò relaunched a tweet by General Mike Flynn that is very popular among conservative American Catholics, many of whom – opposed to Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s vision of the Church – see the bishop as a sort of traditionalist bastion. The military man, former security advisor to Donald Trump who ousted him after just a month due to differences of opinion, wrote: “The left-wing globalists make fun of us and then destroy everything that is good and decent. Where is the Pontiff who condemns this disease of society? There is nothing normal about this ceremony and it is not healthy for anyone, except child abusers and those who normalize this type of ceremony”, is the vitriolic attack by Flynn who relaunches the video of the incriminating scene.

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A signal that follows those of the past weeks, from the masses celebrated in his hermitage in Viterbo to the video message for American conservatives to the open letter to Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi, president of the CEI. In short, Viganò does not give up his battle against the Vatican.

#Olympics #Pope #Francis #Viganò #broadside #Supper #Tempo
2024-07-28 14:34:00



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