Route conditions for Neuquén and Rio Negro this Sunday: polar cold continues in the region

2024-07-28 13:10:47

The cold weather continues to be felt in the provinces of Neuquén and Rio Negro, affecting access to routes in the region. Driving conditions require extra caution on several key sections due to severe frost and low temperatures. Route status this Sunday:

In Neuquen, Route 237 is open from Piedra del Águila to Arroyo Limay Chico. Due to the use of salt solutions, the road surface will be slippery, so use caution when driving.

The next section of Highway 237, from Arroyo Limay Chico to the intersection with State Highway 40, is also open. Caution is advised as roads are wet and may be icy in some areas. Chains must be worn and extreme caution must be driven as the area is prone to landslides. Operations teams are working hard to keep routes safe.

As for National Highway 22, the section from the junction with Río Negro to the junction with the North Highway is open and can be traveled with caution. Although the roads are dry, there is heavy traffic requiring special attention from drivers.

The next section of National Highway 22, from the connection with the North Highway to the intersection with National Highway 22, has a similar situation. The section is open, the road is dry and there is heavy traffic.

Route Status: Conditions in Rio Negro

In Rio Negro, routes vary. Route 1S40 stretches from Paso Flores to its intersection with State Route 23, so use extreme caution. The road is irregular and contains loose rocks and ice. It is recommended to avoid driving at night. In addition, due to severe frost, it is necessary to carry chains.

Use extra caution on the section of Highway 40 from El Bolsón to Bariloche. The road was mostly dry, but there were some sections with less grip due to ice and snow on the shoulders. It is recommended to drive at low speed, turn on low lights and carry a chain. In addition, there is a possibility of rockfall at high places, so it is recommended not to travel at night.

On National Highway 23, from the intersection of National Highway 3 to Valcetta, the route can be traveled with caution. Although traffic conditions are normal on much of this section, some sections have low grip due to frost, so caution is advised. The situation is similar from Valcheta to Maestro Ramos Mexía, with some sections requiring caution due to morning frost.

The following sections of Route 23, from Maestro Ramos Mexia to Comallo and from Comallo to Pilcaniyeu, require extreme caution. The situation is similar from Pilcaniyeu to the junction with national road 40, with some sections requiring caution and occasional detours. Chains must be worn and night driving is recommended.

Route conditions in Neuquen and Rio Negro: recommendations

– carrying chains must be used in several sections, and It is recommended to avoid driving at night. due to low temperatures and ice.

– This is the basis Respect traffic signs and maximum speed, Especially in areas with tight curves and low visibility.

– The presence Loose animals on some routes add additional riskso drivers are asked to be vigilant and drive carefully.

Border crossing to Chile: this is what it looks like today

pace of internationalization Octopus pine: OK with caution. Department uses ice. It is compulsory to carry a chain. teamwork

pace of internationalization Icalma: It’s okay to be cautious. Department uses ice. It is compulsory to carry a chain. Access during normal hours

pace of internationalization Hua Hum: Walk with caution. The road surface was slippery due to ice and snow. It is compulsory to carry a chain.

pace of internationalization Mamuil Malal (ex-Tromen): Playing it safe is okay. The road surface was slippery due to ice and snow. It is compulsory to carry a chain.

pace of internationalization Cardinal Samore: It’s okay to be cautious. The road has low grip and is icy in some areas. Low temperature forecast. It is compulsory to carry a chain. Areas with loose animals. Operating equipment.

#Route #conditions #Neuquén #Rio #Negro #Sunday #polar #cold #continues #region



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