Truck fire on Havana’s Via Blanca 2024-07-28 12:39:09

On Friday, a truck caught fire on the Via Blanca in Havana, near the Ñico López refinery. Fortunately, the incident did not result in any fatalities or injuries.

The fire occurred before the traffic light connecting Guanabacoa and Regla, according to user Dennis Dueñas, who shared the information in the Facebook group “BUS & TRUCK ACCIDENTS for more experience and fewer victims!”. The group’s posts show the magnitude of the event through several videos.

A resident near the scene said that firefighters arrived quickly at the scene of the incident. The videos captured show the rapid intervention of the firefighters, who managed to extinguish the fire without any casualties being reported.

The social media community has expressed relief that there were no injuries. Videos and comments reflect local residents’ concern and their gratitude to firefighters for their quick response.

Ongoing research

The cause of the fire has not yet been determined, nor has it been revealed what the truck was carrying. Authorities are investigating the incident in order to clarify the facts and prevent future similar accidents.

The cooperation of the community and the effectiveness of the firefighters were crucial to avoid a major tragedy. Authorities will continue to investigate to ensure safety on the Vía Blanca and its surroundings.

#Truck #fire #Havanas #Blanca



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