“Golfo” from the “Anagennisis” Theater of Akrata on Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 July – 2024-07-28 12:21:46

“Golfo” from the “Anagennisis” Theater of Akrata on Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 July
 – 2024-07-28 12:21:46

The Theatrical Stage “Rebirth” of Akrata, on Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 July at 9.15pm. in the courtyard of the 2nd Primary School of Akrata – Krathio, will present the theatrical performance “Golfo”.

Golfo, our Juliet.

Spyridon Peresiadis, having invented his own peculiar way of writing by writing on white pages without lines with his thumb as a guide, writes “Golfo”, a work that was especially loved and performed in many theaters around the world, bringing glory and fame to the poet .

Golfo, which means engolpion, golf, talisman, stars in the idyllic drama of Spyridon Peresiadis, one of the emblematic works of modern Greek theater and an archetype of domestic melodramatism that unfolds in a mountainous Greek village of the 19th century. Golfo and Tasos swear eternal love. Golfo, faithful to her oath, refuses the lord who wants to marry her, but Tasos, defying his own, agrees to take the rich new woman who is courting him as his wife. When he changes his mind, it will be too late. Breaking the oath is tantamount to death and moves the forces of destiny in a tragic way.
The work was completed in May 1893 and presented a few days later in a pan-Hellenic first by an amateur troupe in Akrata.


Directed by: Elena Kalaitzi, Ingrid Koutsoureli – GREINE LINDA
Dramatic editing: Elena Kalaitzi, Ingrid Koutsourelis, Andreas Koutsourelis
Lighting design: Marios Koutsourelis
Original music: Michalis Kalogerakis
Music teaching: Christos Asimakopoulos
Orchestration: Dimitris Michalos, Prodromos Vourliotis
Stages: Andreas Sakellariou, Spilios Zidropoulos
Costumes: Elena Kalaitzi, Ingrid Koutsoureli
Costume Assistants: Areti Giaouplari, Andreas Sakellariou
Sound – Lights: Yannis Tolios
Program editor: Maria Karra
They perform in order of appearance
Katerina Souli / Golfo
Spilios Zidropoulos / Tassos
Kostas Papageorgopoulos / Agogiatis – Georgoulas
Nisreen Faour / English lord
Spilios Giovas / Kitsos
Fanis Petropoulos / Giannos
Mari Papageorgopoulou / Astero
Nikos Nikoulias / Thanasoulas
Andreas Sakellariou / Municipality
Katerina Tsakona / Stavroula
Andreas Diamantopoulos / Zisis
Vania Xifara / Golfo
Nikolia Stavropoulou / Golfo, Astero
The whole team / Dance
Musicians on stage
Maria Asimakopoulou / clarinet
Christina Papageorgopoulou / clarinet
Dimitris Michalos / trumpet
Andreas Proutzos / guitar
Christos Asimakopoulos / saxophone
Support: Pro-progressive Akrata Group “Georgios Lefentarios”.
Financial assistance: 10 euros.
Students-Unemployed: 5 euros.
The theatrical performance will be repeated on Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 August in the same venue at 9.15pm.
In the context of the “Cultural Summer 2024” events of the Municipality of Aegialia and the Deputy Mayor of Culture and Sports.


In Akrata, in a burst of creative impulse, the young people of that time created a cultural association with the aim of the spiritual and moral development of its members as well as the city of Akrata.

They called him “Rebirth” and as his symbol they defined the palm tree that is reborn from its ashes and symbolizes the power of man to overcome his difficulties and become even stronger. In a difficult time for the country, the young people of Akrata envisioned creating a living cultural cell. And they succeeded. In a journey of one hundred years, our club created brilliant events after taking the lead in theatrical productions, musical events, literary and poetic evenings, book and analogical presentations and all kinds of events.

Renaissance, mother of clubs. That’s how we usually call her. Because its doors are always open, because it embraces every new endeavor and because all clubs are under its roof.

Anagennisis, one of the longest and most historic cultural clubs in the country. The people of Akra supported it from the first moment and endowed it from their legacy with two buildings that include two theater stages, offices, a cloakroom and even a space for film screenings. Heroes of the Greek and foreign theater came to life on the board of the Renaissance, troupes with renowned actors and dozens of amateurs paraded, poets of pan-Hellenic scope were awarded and on this board generations of Akratins were grafted with the flesh of volunteering and hardworking cooperation.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of its foundation, the historical Renaissance Association pays tribute this year to the Achaean creator Spyridon Peresiadis, “to our blind compatriot poet and dramatist”, as stated by Michael Rodas in the front page of Helmos newspaper (January 1948). Every place must honor and highlight its local spiritual capital. We honor the man who made the historic Nonakrida, the picturesque Kloukinochoria and Akrata known throughout Greece and beyond.

We honor our country.

We continue.

#Golfo #Anagennisis #Theater #Akrata #Monday #Tuesday #July



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