Government Urged to Solve Downstream Anomaly – 2024-07-28 12:02:56

Aerial photo of nickel smelter activity (ANTARA PHOTO/Jojon)

The downstream anomaly with the level of welfare in the downstream area must be immediately investigated and the problem solved. The government is asked not to let the condition drag on because it concerns the welfare of the community.

Member of Commission VII of the People’s Representative Council (DPR RI) Mulyanto said that the anomaly was a serious problem because the downstreaming carried out in areas rich in natural resources did not seem to have an impact on improving the welfare of the surrounding community.

He suspects that this is due to the low effectiveness and efficiency of the management of development funds originating from the Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH) and other taxes by the regional government, to the spread of mining corruption cases. “So that even large incomes do not have an impact on community welfare or are achieved slowly,” said Mulyanto when contacted, Thursday (25/7).

“The community is recruited only as manual laborers, due to limited skills. Added to this, deviations in environmental management cause water sources and land to shrink, which further declines agricultural development in the area,” he continued.

Therefore, Mulyanto asked President Joko Widodo to evaluate the downstreaming policy that has been in effect so far. It needs to be done comprehensively, including the efficiency of development funds for the welfare of the people.

He also urged the government to ban the export of low-grade semi-finished nickel products such as nickel pig iron (NPI) and ferronickel. This also needs to be accompanied by the implementation of a moratorium on the construction of class one smelters that produce low-grade nickel products.

“We need to encourage nickel downstreaming with high added value, so that its multiplier effect for the community increases. By building a smelter factory that produces high-grade nickel such as stainless steel, batteries, and others. It is also necessary to conduct an audit of smelters from China that are prone to fires that cause a lot of worker fatalities,” concluded Mulyanto. (Mir/Z-7)

#Government #Urged #Solve #Downstream #Anomaly



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