Espacio Público asked that journalists’ work be guaranteed during the elections

  • The NGO recalled that 98 complaints of violations of freedom of expression linked to the electoral context have been registered | Main photo: Reference / El Diario Archive

The non-governmental organization (NGO) Espacio Público called on Saturday, July 27, for the work of the media and journalists to be “guaranteed and protected” during the development of the presidential elections in Venezuela this Sunday, July 28.

The NGO said that the National Electoral Council (CNE), the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) and other institutions and police forces in the country must facilitate the working conditions of journalism professionals and allow access to information.

Espacio Público added that the accreditation of national and foreign media and journalists must be guaranteed “adequately” and in a timely manner. The organization also urged the Venezuelan State to promote respect for dissident voices and avoid attacks against the press.

According to the report released by the NGO, violations of the right to freedom of expression have been reported during the electoral campaign, “particularly towards sectors considered to be in opposition.”

Espacio Público denounced the reprisals that, in its opinion, have been received by activists and citizens who express their support for the candidate for the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), Edmundo González.

Photo: Pixabay

According to the organization, 98 complaints of violations of freedom of expression linked to the electoral context have been registered in the last two months, when three were documented in the same period prior to the 2018 presidential elections.

The National Union of Press Workers (SNTP) and the National College of Journalists (CNP) also demanded that the Venezuelan authorities provide guarantees for journalistic coverage of the elections on Sunday, July 28.

The demands of the SNTP

Marco Ruiz, Secretary General of the SNTPsaid on July 25 that the union seeks to have a friendly relationship with the CNE, so that coverage of the Venezuelan presidential elections is carried out in the best possible way.

“We have come to put ourselves at the disposal of the National Electoral Council as professional organizations to advance a more fluid relationship and treatment with journalists and press workers. They should know that they have in us allies when it comes to creating guarantees so that the work of journalists can be done under the conditions that we all need,” added Ruiz.

The spokesman said that they also asked the CNE for a public statement calling on police and military officials who will be working on Sunday, July 28, to respect and allow the work of journalists during the presidential elections.

CNP will request the CNE to reopen the accreditation process for election coverage
Photo: EFE/ Ronald Pena R

CNP’s requests to the Venezuelan government

On July 19, the president of the National College of Journalists, Tinedo Guía, urged the Venezuelan authorities that the work of journalists be respected in view of the presidential elections on July 28.

Guía stressed that it is necessary that in this electoral process communicators can exercise their profession without threats, attacks or arrests.

“We ask the authorities once again to respect the work of journalists and to take care not only of their physical integrity, but also of the equipment that allows them to do their work,” the journalist said in a press conference on August 19.

CNP will request the CNE to reopen the accreditation process for election coverage
Photo: EFE/ Ronald Pena R

For her part, Delvalle Canelón, secretary of the CNP, emphasized that no state official can force a person to hand over his or her cell phone, since it is a “private instrument.”

“We must defend our rights. The CNP will be active on July 28 and 29 to report any abnormal situation that may arise with journalists. We hope that the work will be as transparent and useful as possible so that Venezuela is informed,” he added.

With information from EFE

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2024-07-28 11:36:10



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