Irregularities reported in the installation of voting tables in Boconó

This Friday, July 26, voting tables were set up nationwide; Boconó was no exception to the rule, and although many were set up normally, some irregularities were reported in various areas of the so-called Garden of Venezuela.

Lawyer Jesús Mata, who was in the UE América Fernández de Leoni, reported on an irregular act by the coordinator of the voting center, since the election equipment must remain in her custody, but she demanded that it be left outside their suitcases or the place to which it corresponds, according to what is established in the Organic Law of Electoral Processes (LOPE), this can represent a crime, this is why representatives of the different political organizations arrived at the place, ensuring the legality of the process.

They reported that at the Niquitao voting center they detected two false credentials, this was confirmed by checking the QR code, and it says that it does not exist, a situation that they were going to notify to the CNE authorities.

In the community of El Hato, a young woman arrived with a witness credential. They claim that she does not appear in the Permanent Electoral Registry, nor is she on the data for that responsibility and they contacted the local authorities of the CNE.

They called the authorities

In the town, from Tostós residences they indicated that there were private citizens inside the voting center located in an educational institution that is in that housing complex, located in the El Barzalito sector, in the place there should only be military personnel from the Plan República and members of the table to check the electoral material and then they leave again, as established by current regulations.

They also reported very long installation processes. At 6:50 pm this Friday, the witnesses from the Democratic Unity Roundtable left the UPTT voting center, taking almost 12 hours, a fact that they describe as atypical.

For her part, Mayra Alejandra Ramírez reported that in the General Ribas parish, Piedras de Sal sector, at the end of the afternoon, “the voting center at this time has not been able to complete the table installation process, since the operator refuses, according to her, until they give her the order, obviously the citizen is from the government. And all the voting centers in the parish have already closed.”

They remained in the centers

In the upper part of the town, in the Vega de Guaramacal educational unit, the opposition’s voting table witnesses could not be placed, who were left outside the facilities, and in the electoral center of the Leonardo Ruiz UE, there were civilians in the institution.

And at the polling stations in the voting center of the Presbítero José de Jesús Espinoza EB, several problems arose:

They did not respect the established schedule as stated in the ELECTORAL LAW, since it states that the installation must be carried out on Friday at 8:00 a.m. However, opposition witnesses arrived at 6:20 a.m. and at that time all the PSUV witnesses, people without credentials, were already inside this Voting Center.

In addition, the CNE had announced the Voting Center Coordinator and had appointed presidents, members and secretaries of the electoral tables, however they wanted to install the electoral tables only with a witness from the PSUV without waiting for the institutional members. A single Coordinator had been established for each Voting Center, however in this voting center there were 2 and due to the support from the opposition group at the Voting Center of EB Presbítero José de Jesús Espinoza, the electoral tables were installed.

Witnesses and authorities urged people to respect the regulations so that the electoral process can proceed normally and effectively throughout the region, and they urged people to report irregularities in order to combat them in favour of a democratic and participatory process.


#Irregularities #reported #installation #voting #tables #Boconó
2024-07-28 11:13:01



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