Ten candidates are running for the presidency of Venezuela in the July 28 elections

Image: National Electoral Council of Venezuela

On July 28, Venezuelan citizens will go to the polls to select their next president. The two main contenders are current President Nicolás Maduro and opposition leader Edmundo González Urrutia. However, there are a total of ten candidates in the presidential race:

Nicolas Maduro:

Nicolás Maduro, who has been president since Hugo Chávez’s death in 2013, is seeking re-election. With a background as a bus driver and union leader, Maduro has been a fervent defender of Chávez’s legacy and one of the founders of the Fifth Republic Movement.

Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia:

He is the candidate of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD). This diplomat and international analyst has the support of the main opposition parties. He has held various positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has been ambassador to several countries.

Daniel Ceballos:

Candidate for Arepa Digital, he is an agricultural engineer and former mayor of San Cristóbal. Known for his student activism, Ceballos has faced imprisonment for his participation in anti-government protests.

Benjamin Rausseo Rodriguez:

Known as “El Conde del Guácharo”, he is a comedian and actor who is running for the National Democratic Confederation (CONDE). In addition to his artistic career, he is a lawyer and holds a PhD in Education.

Claudio Fermin:

Candidate for Solutions for Venezuela, he is a sociologist and former mayor of Caracas. This is his third time running for president.

Enrique Octavio Marquez Perez:

Márquez Pérez, an electrical engineer and former vice president of the National Electoral Council, is running for the People-Centered Party.

Luis Eduardo Martinez Hidalgo:

Martínez Hidalgo is the candidate of Acción Democrática and other organizations. An agricultural engineer and former governor of Monagas, he defines himself as a social democrat.

Javier Bertucci:

Pastor and businessman, he is a candidate for El Cambio. He was a presidential candidate in 2018, although he has not held public office.

Antonio Ecarri:

Lawyer and president of the Casa Uslar Pietri Foundation, he is the candidate of Alianza del Lápiz. He has held various positions in public administration.

Jose Brito:

A graduate in Industrial Administration, he is a candidate for Primero Venezuela and other organizations. He has been a councilor and deputy.

These elections are crucial for Venezuela, a country facing significant economic and social challenges. The next president will be tasked with addressing these issues and guiding the nation toward a more stable future.

2024-07-28 02:45:41
#Ten #candidates #running #presidency #Venezuela #July #elections



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