One of the parks in Vilnius will be maintained: almost 3 mln. euros | Business

It is planned that the works will be completed by the end of next year, the improvement of the territory will cost 2.753 million. Eur.

The Vilnius development company managing the project signed a contract with the company “Žilinskas ir Co”, which won the public tender.

Saulius Žiura’s photo/Jeruzalė pond park

The Jeruzalė pond park includes a part of the Visoriai-Bajorai forests. Part of the territory belongs to the Verkių manor homestead complex. One of the main attractions of this area is the Jerusalem pond, the shores of which are covered with trees and bushes, and the pond itself is rich in aquatic vegetation. Part of the southwestern and western shores of the pond is swampy. It is in this part that most of the water birds and animals are found.

“While preparing for the renovation of the Jerusalem Pond Park, we aimed to maintain as natural a nature as possible and not to disturb the ecosystem here, but at the same time adapt the park for residents’ recreation. We also took into account residents’ comments and changed the project in order to preserve the trees,” Gintautas Runovičius, head of the urban environment department of the Vilnius city municipality, said about the Jeruzalė pond project.

During the maintenance of the park, gravel paths and lighting will be built according to the tracks named by the residents. In some places, stairs have been designed and parking spaces for people with disabilities are nearby. Paths raised on stilts are designed in wet, swampy areas.

Look around – from the terraces on the water

Around the Jeruzalė pond, visitors will be invited to walk along a nearly two-kilometer educational trail with information stands about the plants and animals that grow here. The trail will be adapted for people with various functional disorders and other groups of people. You will be able to relax on this trail on a terrace on the water. Two such terraces with different types of benches will be installed along the path, overlooking the water body.

“The restoration of the Jerusalem pond is special because of the great attention paid to maintaining the naturalness of the area. We took care to preserve as many trees as possible, as well as the natural environment of the pond and forest. This project is an example of sustainable, nature-friendly solutions that will encourage citizens to come to real nature in the city,” said Laura Joffė, head of the Vilnius development company overseeing the project.

Saulius Žiura's photo/Jeruzalė pond park

Saulius Žiura’s photo/Jeruzalė pond park

A fountain is being designed in the Jerusalem pond, which will not only enliven the environment, but also saturate the water with oxygen, reducing silting processes in the pond.

Benches are designed along the paths. Some will be adapted to the natural environment, for example, an imitation-composition of several logs. Trash cans will be installed near the main paths and recreation areas.

Natural playgrounds

Two children’s playgrounds have been designed in the park: the larger one is in the northwestern part of the territory, in the valley, the other is an educational children’s playground, near the future Jerusalem high school. The facilities in it will be made of wood or other natural materials close to the natural environment.

The sports training ground is being designed between Lokisinkai and Jeruzalė streets. It will also include sports equipment suitable for seniors, such as balance machines. Both sports and playgrounds will be illuminated.

During the maintenance of the territory, the water culverts in Jeruzalė and Geležinios Vilkas streets will also be fixed. It is believed that because of them the pool of Jerusalem is silting up.

The park improvement project was discussed with the Jerusalem community as early as 2020. Residents’ comments were taken into account, project proposals were approved. However, the implementation of the project took time as the design was adjusted to preserve the trees during the works.

#parks #Vilnius #maintained #mln #euros #Business
2024-07-28 09:57:01



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